Artificial Academy (ジンコウガクエン, Jinkou Gakuen) is an eroge high school social simulation, spun off from Illusion’s Artificial Girl series, released by Illusion on June 10, 2011. Create and play any of up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation and other interaction abilities and personal inclinations. Make friends and lovers as the class competes for achievement in academics, athletics, popularity, and romance.
Updated: 2019-11-16 Release Date: 2019-11-16 Developer/Publisher: Illusion Censorship: Yes – Patch w/ Mosaics Version: HF4.0 OS: Windows Language: English Voice Language: Japanese Sequel: Artificial Academy 2 Genre: 3d game, 3dcg, animated, handjob, male protagonist, masturbation, oral sex, titfuck, vaginal sex, adventure, big tits, big ass, cosplay, creampie, dating sim, groping, japanese, romance, school setting, voiced
Japenese Locale Required or use HF pAppLoc You will need to software to mount the ISO. I suggest a cracked version of PowerISO but use what you like. – Do not use more than 1 virtual drive when mounting. It wont detect the ISO. You must mount on the same drive as the first disk for the installer to continue.
1) Mount disk 1 and install using msi file (named ILLUSION) 2) Change from default location 3) Mount disk 2 when asked 4) After installing is finished, mount disk 1 again and run Startup.exe 5) Dialog popup in Japanese. Select 3rd option 6) Select where you installed the game 7) Open edit folder in disk 1 and run the msi file (named ILLUSION) 8) First option should be selected and should install where you installed the game 9) Select setup.exe from within edit folder. 10) First option should be selected and should install where you installed the game 11) Install Artificial_Academy_HF_Patch4.0 12) If you are using HF pAppLoc, you must leave options for using selected. Otherwise, select standard if you using Japane Locale on windows itself 13) Everything should be working.