Pure Onyx v0.95 by Eromancer, Pure Onyx is a game about a classic beat ‘em up set in the world of our flagship title, Malise and the Machine. It follows heroine Onyx as she brawls her way through the dystopian streets of New Babylon, where she’ll encounter gangs, crime syndicates, a corrupt police force, and the bio-engineered horrors of the insidious Babel Corporation. It features fully animated, hand drawn art and is styled after 80s cyberpunk anime. Pure Onyx will contain in-game, fully animated H content.
Updated: 2024-05-01
Release Date: 2024-05-01
Developer/Publisher: Eromancer Patreon
Censorship: No
Version: v0.104.0
OS: Windows
Language: English
2- Click on “Pure Onyx.exe” to start playing.
– The ring girl h-scene updated
– Now , the DK and FK doll have face expressions while h-scenes
– Added a new location , Outskirts
– Added a new enemy , brown vioreaper
– The male police have electric aura around his stick
The following is only a list of player-facing changes, unless otherwise noted.
- Added damaged Bodysuit version for each of FemCop’s H Scenes
- Added outro animations to Onyx + Brute Scene
- Added additional bearhug loop to Brute H scene for improved variety
- Improved animation on / fixed clipping on fast sex loop for Brute + added partial physics
- Added Onyx + Thug mid scene transition
- Added additional SFX for Onyx + Brute scene
- Added SFX for Onyx + Semi scene
- Added SFX for Onyx + Thug new intro
- Added hit effect overlay system (characters now flash a color when damaged)
- Fixed issue with H bystanders that could result in invisible enemies / soft-locking wave progression
- Fixed visual glitches / potential soft-locks where enemies could be placed outside the playable area after grapple / H scenes
- Skipping a scene in-game will now consistently add H liquid from skipped animations to Onyx
- Skipping a scene will now properly trigger events on frame 0 of animations later in the scene (adding H liquid, breaking clothes, etc)
- Skipping a scene in gallery will no longer add H liquid from skipped animations to female actors
- Fixed various cases of enemies getting stuck in walking animation
- Redid Onyx’s feet for visual equipment system so they are part of her body mesh instead of separate. Fixes seam between body and feet.
- Fixed blendshape normals for Onyx (shading issues during blendshape animations such as jiggles)
- Fixed zipper material assignment and UV issues on Onyx’s shorts and shirts
- Added outlines / texture to FemCop’s damaged suit mesh
- Fixed a bunch of issues with metal pieces on FemCop’s suit and jacket
- Fixed visual issue with kanji on Chain Splicer’s jacket that originated with last month’s rig update
Known Issues
- Brute’s ground stomp combo is now too slow due to turning animation (will be fixed in next update)
- Crawler (big larva) can get hung up on barrels if he falls or is knocked down on top of one.
- Onyx can glitch out for a frame after her Push attack if she’s standing still
- Onyx can respawn in knockdown pose if she is K.O.’d in the air.
- Thug, Blade Bunny, Looter are missing new portraits and are using Chain Splicer, Bat Bunny, Runt respectively
- BatBunny H liquid can appear floating above Onyx at end of Onyx + Bunnies scene if BatBunny + Vioreaper scenes were played first
- Enemies can’t defend while winding up to attack.
- Wraxe will perform his shorts pull animation during H scene even if Onyx has no shorts on.
- Some visual glitches involving the fire traps on Red-Light test mission.
- Barrels are apparently still able to spawn inside each other.
- Player character downed animation post H scene is currently not playing in Gallery, nor are secondary idle animations.
- Sounds are improperly playing during loading currently.
- Destructible objects don’t receive environment lighting or cast reflections yet.
- Blocky shading artifacts appear on both FemCop and Onyx if they are covered in liquid while lit by FemCop’s forcefield. This is due to a shader conflict with the newly optimized liquid and the lighting technique used for the forcefield.
- Larva/Crawlers (and Vioreapers too) currently use humanoid bystander behaviors.
- Crawlers’ spit attack has a splash AoE where the projectile lands, but FX graphics aren’t in for it yet, so it can appear as if Onyx is hit by nothing if she’s standing nearby a landing spitball.
- FemCop’s force field doesn’t emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
- It’s possible for FemCop’s forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
- At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt’s section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it’s meant to appear.
- Some of Wraxe’s combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations. Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
(** indicates items added since the February 20 Inner Circle test release. The following is only a list of player-facing changes, unless otherwise noted):
- ** Added Bat Bunny w/ 2x Vioreaper H scene
- ** Visual equipment system now functions on the World Map
- ** Added new attacks for Bat Bunny
- ** Bat Bunny now actually dodges instead of cartwheels in place.
- ** Improved enemy AI ability selection algorithm
- ** Lowered amount of Stamina gained per level
- Added Bat Bunny w/ 1x Vioreaper H scene
- Improved anims and added missing physics to Onyx w/ 1x Vioreaper H scene
- Added feet mesh and rig update to Onyx + improved Onyx’s abdomen texture
- Enabled Onyx’s feet for use with the visual equipment system
- Fixed issue with visual equipment system that would cause nipples to clip with ground/objects they are pressed up against
- Wraxe no longer spins like a top if you walk past him back and forth quickly
- Fixed Charger not playing turn animation after breath attack, stomp, and roar
- Splicer Thug no longer stalls out for 10 frames after standing up
- Fixed issue with money/exp etc. on left side of screen flipping out when playing in Windowed Mode
- Added additional debugging tools that can provide us with more actor / AI / combat information when players report bugs.
- Loot can no longer spawn behind shop
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Onyx’s feet disappear during solo Splicer Thug scene. Due to legacy rig, will be fixed in the future.
- A few glitched frames on Bat Bunny w/ 1x Vioreaper H Scene
- Ugly environment collision interactions possible on the Spider Caverns map
- Wraxe will still perform his shorts pull animation during H scene even if Onyx has no shorts on.
- Onyx’s visual equipment state isn’t updated on the world map.
- Some visual glitches involving the new traps.
- Barrels are apparently still able to spawn inside each other.
- Player character downed animation post H scene is currently not playing in Gallery, nor are secondary idle animations.
- Some new occurrences of enemies walking in place.
- Charger may slide around if stunned at a very specific time.
- Sounds are improperly playing during loading currently.
- Destructible objects don’t receive environment lighting or cast reflections yet.
- Vioreapers are extra buzzy at the moment (even while knocked down).
- It’s possible to make Onyx invisible through some combination of opening console / enabling God Mode while Onyx is flashing due to respawning
- Blocky shading artifacts appear on both FemCop and Onyx if they are covered in liquid while lit by FemCop’s forcefield. This is due to a shader conflict with the newly optimized liquid and the lighting technique used for the forcefield. We’re working on a fix ^-^.
- Larva/Crawlers (and Vioreapers too) currently use humanoid bystander behaviors.
- Crawlers’ spit attack has a splash AoE where the projectile lands, but FX graphics aren’t in for it yet, so it can appear as if Onyx is hit by nothing if she’s standing nearby a landing spitball.
- FemCop’s force field doesn’t emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
- It’s possible for FemCop’s forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
- At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt’s section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it’s meant to appear.
- Some of Wraxe’s combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations. Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
December 23 2022
November30 2022
October 25 2022
November 31 2021
• Initial itch.io release
• Added early version of a Bunny Girl vs Bunny Girl H scene to the gallery.
• Fixed a very nasty hitbox issue that went under the radar since late
October. It effectively increased all enemies’ attack and grab ranges,
making the game significantly harder / more frustrating.
• Removed colliders from larva (the small worms). This prevents Onyx from
nudging them around when trying to stomp on them, making them less
frustrating to hit.
• Reworked physics to prevent Onyx from jittering or slingshotting when
colliding with objects and playing field boundaries.
• Charger boss now properly detects props and stops charging upon
collision if he cannot reach his destination.
• Fixed the wacky wavy inflatable henchmen (Runt and Thug no longer
inflate/deflate during bystander idles)
• Improved chest open animations.
• Added a safeguard to help prevent enemies improperly leaving the playing
field and glitching stuff up.
• Holding ‘Up’ against the shop while jumping will no longer make Onyx
hang out in the air
• The Charger’s hitbox for Breath Attack no longer sits around for a full
second after the energy beam graphic dies out.
• Fixed issue where Onyx couldn’t do a power attack (heavy punch) after
jabs 2, 4, etc.
• Completed Interactions system overhaul. Loot lying around now causes
less of a performance hit + items are less likely spawn on top of each
• Fixed an integer overflow issue that could result in the Wave #rolling over
into the negatives if the player set the wave to a very high value via
• The setwave command can no longer be invoked with negative values.
• Debug renderer (F1 key) properly shows enemy agro range again
• Added secondary motion (jiggles/physics) + fixed/improved animations for
entire Onyx vs Cop Double Team H scene
• Added liquid FX and post H scene liquid to the Onyx vs Cop Double Team
H scene
• Added loot chests! Bigger chests = better loot. These will get fancier in
future releases
• Added example events in Sewers and Skyline wave missions where chests
become unlockable at certain waves.
• Completed partial overhaul of interactable system (allows for interaction
cursor to appear properly on chests)
• Completed internal overhaul of all player and enemy attacks. This adds
attacks and related data to our game database, making them much easier
to add/edit, but the transition is a major one and has the potential to
create bugs with existing attacks, so please be on the lookout.
• Added optimized standard and low poly models for Street Lord Wraxe
• Added optimized low poly model for Male Cop
Fixed missing helmet meshes / untextured eyes underneath helmet on
Male Cop
• Fixed the color of Male Cop’s tralala — his ding ding dong.
• Added new FemCop grenade model + finished animations/FX for
forcefield deployment during H scene.
November 31 2021
• Initial itch.io release
• Added early version of a Bunny Girl vs Bunny Girl H scene to the gallery.
• Fixed a very nasty hitbox issue that went under the radar since late
October. It effectively increased all enemies’ attack and grab ranges,
making the game significantly harder / more frustrating.
• Removed colliders from larva (the small worms). This prevents Onyx from
nudging them around when trying to stomp on them, making them less
frustrating to hit.
• Reworked physics to prevent Onyx from jittering or slingshotting when
colliding with objects and playing field boundaries.
• Charger boss now properly detects props and stops charging upon
collision if he cannot reach his destination.
• Fixed the wacky wavy inflatable henchmen (Runt and Thug no longer
inflate/deflate during bystander idles)
• Improved chest open animations.
• Added a safeguard to help prevent enemies improperly leaving the playing
field and glitching stuff up.
• Holding ‘Up’ against the shop while jumping will no longer make Onyx
hang out in the air
• The Charger’s hitbox for Breath Attack no longer sits around for a full
second after the energy beam graphic dies out.
• Fixed issue where Onyx couldn’t do a power attack (heavy punch) after
jabs 2, 4, etc.
• Completed Interactions system overhaul. Loot lying around now causes
less of a performance hit + items are less likely spawn on top of each
• Fixed an integer overflow issue that could result in the Wave #rolling over
into the negatives if the player set the wave to a very high value via
• The setwave command can no longer be invoked with negative values.
• Debug renderer (F1 key) properly shows enemy agro range again
• Added secondary motion (jiggles/physics) + fixed/improved animations for
entire Onyx vs Cop Double Team H scene
• Added liquid FX and post H scene liquid to the Onyx vs Cop Double Team
H scene
• Added loot chests! Bigger chests = better loot. These will get fancier in
future releases
• Added example events in Sewers and Skyline wave missions where chests
become unlockable at certain waves.
• Completed partial overhaul of interactable system (allows for interaction
cursor to appear properly on chests)
• Completed internal overhaul of all player and enemy attacks. This adds
attacks and related data to our game database, making them much easier
to add/edit, but the transition is a major one and has the potential to
create bugs with existing attacks, so please be on the lookout.
• Added optimized standard and low poly models for Street Lord Wraxe
• Added optimized low poly model for Male Cop
Fixed missing helmet meshes / untextured eyes underneath helmet on
Male Cop
• Fixed the color of Male Cop’s tralala — his ding ding dong.
• Added new FemCop grenade model + finished animations/FX for
forcefield deployment during H scene
(** indicates items added or being added since the October 18 Inner Circle test release):
- ** Added the second part of Onyx vs FemCop + MaleCop H Scene (additional SFX and liquid FX coming soon).
- ** Fixed runtime exception related to custom game resolution handling resulting in game being unresponsive at “Press any key” screen with certain display setups.
- ** Added Options feature to change default display that the game starts up on.
- ** Added SFX to the first part of Onyx vs FemCop + MaleCop H Scene.
- ** God mode now affects Stamina and Exhaustion pools in addition to HP
- ** Fixed stomach bulge shape during Onyx vs FemCop Baton scene.
- ** If an enemy spawns outside of or escapes the playing area, a message will now appear to notify you. Let us know if this happens to you so we can document it!
- ** Fixed missing skin/geo on the Chain Splicer’s LOD model (his junk was floating mid-air, spooky)
- ** Fixed missing SFX when Onyx is impacted directly with Crawler’s spitball
- ** Fixed issue where Crawler’s spit projectile would freeze in the air before impacting the ground
- ** Increased Crawler agro distance (actually, fixed an issue that prevented him from agroing) and Spit attack range.
- ** Hitting a Crawler will now agro both him and his swarm.
- ** Fixed floating Larva/Crawlers during combat.
- ** Added louder Crawler projectile splash SFX.
- ** Added electrical FX when FemCop’s forcefield spawns.
- ** Crawlers will no longer face backwards when spitting at Onyx.
- Added early version of FemCop + MaleCop vs Onyx H Scene to the Gallery. Expect a significantly extended version + SFX and improved anims in the end-of-month release!
- Added optimized (LOD) model for Onyx (should be a solid FPS boost during H scenes).
- Changed key toggling in-game console to use key to the left from the 1 key on every keyboard layout. This should resolve difficulties that AZERTY/QWERTZ (French/German) users had with finding the open/close console key.
- Surveillance disks no longer drop if you already have the scene unlocked
- Fixed critical issue that could bug out (heh) Larva/Crawler enemies, preventing their AI from restarting and making them un-killable.
- Added SFX to Larva/Crawler enemies
- Added splat FX when Larva enemies are squished.
- Added Bite animation + improved GroundHit animation for Larva/Crawler enemies.
- Larva/Crawler enemies will no longer “walk” backwards.
- Added Spit attack to Crawlers
- Added Ground Slam attack to Crawlers
- Added time system. In-game time (shown in top-right of menu) now passes when Onyx travels between areas (distance-based), and after H Scene fade-outs. Day/Night artwork hasn’t been added yet.
- FemCop can no longer be hit while winding up to perform her Mule Kick counterattack
- Eliminated nasty flickering shadow artifacts that often appear at edges of shadows on Onyx and FemCop
- Improved Debug Viewer (F1 key) so that collider meshes are actually representative of the enemy’s physics colliders + update in real-time.
- Console command history may now be accessed via the up/down arrow keys (while console is open).
- Console message log now scrolls using the Page Up/Down keys instead of up/down arrow keys.
- Console commands may now be autocompleted/selected via Intellisense with the Tab key. Shift+Tab selects in reverse.
- Improved console text and color formatting
- Overhauled code services/subsystems; mostly backend benefits but performance gains are possible for lower-end hardware
- FemCop’s forcefield now casts a reflection
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Due to some code changes, Street Lord Wraxe can currently get stuck navigating around Onyx and the shop.
- Still have to add some SFX + liquid FX for the latest H Scene.
- Blocky shading artifacts appear on both FemCop and Onyx if they are covered in liquid while lit by FemCop’s forcefield. This is due to a shader conflict with the newly optimized liquid and the lighting technique used for the forcefield. We’re working on a fix ^-^.
- Larva/Crawlers (and Vioreapers too) currently use humanoid bystander behaviors.
- Crawlers’ spit attack has a splash AoE where the projectile lands, but FX graphics aren’t in for it yet, so it can appear as if Onyx is hit by nothing if she’s standing nearby a landing spitball.
- FemCop’s force field doesn’t emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
- Reflection on Onyx’s shorts looks weird during FemCop H scene. Will fix in next update (I failed >_> soon)!
- It’s possible for FemCop’s forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
- Splicer Thug needs new bystander animations before his section of the Chain Splicer’s H scene.
- At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt’s section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it’s meant to appear.
- Some of Wraxe’s combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations. Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
Console Commands
The game isn’t balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help. You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console. Type any of the commands below and press enter. Press ` again to close the console.
- godmode on/off – Makes Onyx indestructible and impervious to Exhaustion.
- onepunchmode on/off – Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
- setwave # – Sets the enemy wave to the number specified. Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out. If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
- setgamespeed # – Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.
October 31 2021
September 30 2021
- ** Patched a major issue that was causing left-facing animations to desync characters in the Gallery.
- ** Disabling adult content will now hide liquid without clearing it (It will reappear in its correct state when adult content is turned back on).
- Added first iteration of Larva enemies (Larva and Crawler) to the game for combat testing (use Stomp or the forward punch combo finisher, Push, to hit the small ones; you can also knock them out of the air).
- Added swarm AI behavior (currently in use by the Larva/Crawler enemies)
- Added a fun surprise that has a chance to occur at the beginning of each wave in Skyline/Sewers. Watch out >.>
- Added secondary motion (hair, clothing animation, and jiggles) to FemCop + Onyx H scene.
- Added boob squish + additional face animations + clipping and popping fixes to the FemCop + Onyx H scene .
- Improved / better emphasized shorts pull-down and barrier grenade throw animations during FemCop H scene.
- Increased FemCop’s H attack wind-up animation from 20 frames to 40 frames
- Fixed position of FemCop’s “EyeShine” FX (H attack cue)
- Player can now move / reset camera position in H scene gallery.
- Restored feature to Gallery where foreground layers are hidden during H scene playback
- Loot containers are now hidden during H scenes since they can obscure visibility.
- Fixed issue with Wraxe’s hitboxes that allowed for an exploit where Onyx could be positioned so she’s never hit.
- Remixed the entire game’s audio
- Added new combat SFX and skid SFX for Onyx
- Reduced automatic knockdown rate on Onyx (expect fewer knockdowns)
- Added adult content filter system (can filter all content or by fetish; more will be added as we add content to the game).
- Added adult content filtering settings to Options screen
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Despite their name, Crawlers can sometimes float above the ground — still investigating details.
- Larva / Crawlers’ Bite animation is a placeholder since we don’t have one for it yet (the one where they raise up then slam down)
- Larva / Crawlers have no SFX/VFX yet.
- FemCop’s force field doesn’t emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
- Reflection on Onyx’s shorts looks weird during FemCop H scene. Will fix in next update (I failed >_> soon)!
- It’s possible for FemCop’s forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
- A blocky shading artifact will appear on FemCop’s skin if she’s covered in liquid while lit up by her forcefield during her H scene.
- Splicer Thug needs new bystander animations before his section of the Chain Splicer’s H scene.
- At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt’s section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it’s meant to appear.
- Some of Wraxe’s combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations. Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
Console Commands
The game isn’t balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help. You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console. Type any of the commands below and press enter. Press ` again to close the console.
- godmode on/off – Makes Onyx indestructible.
- onepunchmode on/off – Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
- setwave # – Sets the enemy wave to the number specified. Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out. If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
- setgamespeed # – Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.
September 30 2021
- ** Patched a major issue that was causing left-facing animations to desync characters in the Gallery.
- ** Disabling adult content will now hide liquid without clearing it (It will reappear in its correct state when adult content is turned back on).
- Added first iteration of Larva enemies (Larva and Crawler) to the game for combat testing (use Stomp or the forward punch combo finisher, Push, to hit the small ones; you can also knock them out of the air).
- Added swarm AI behavior (currently in use by the Larva/Crawler enemies)
- Added a fun surprise that has a chance to occur at the beginning of each wave in Skyline/Sewers. Watch out >.>
- Added secondary motion (hair, clothing animation, and jiggles) to FemCop + Onyx H scene.
- Added boob squish + additional face animations + clipping and popping fixes to the FemCop + Onyx H scene .
- Improved / better emphasized shorts pull-down and barrier grenade throw animations during FemCop H scene.
- Increased FemCop’s H attack wind-up animation from 20 frames to 40 frames
- Fixed position of FemCop’s “EyeShine” FX (H attack cue)
- Player can now move / reset camera position in H scene gallery.
- Restored feature to Gallery where foreground layers are hidden during H scene playback
- Loot containers are now hidden during H scenes since they can obscure visibility.
- Fixed issue with Wraxe’s hitboxes that allowed for an exploit where Onyx could be positioned so she’s never hit.
- Remixed the entire game’s audio
- Added new combat SFX and skid SFX for Onyx
- Reduced automatic knockdown rate on Onyx (expect fewer knockdowns)
- Added adult content filter system (can filter all content or by fetish; more will be added as we add content to the game).
- Added adult content filtering settings to Options screen
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Despite their name, Crawlers can sometimes float above the ground — still investigating details.
- Larva / Crawlers’ Bite animation is a placeholder since we don’t have one for it yet (the one where they raise up then slam down)
- Larva / Crawlers have no SFX/VFX yet.
- FemCop’s force field doesn’t emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
- Reflection on Onyx’s shorts looks weird during FemCop H scene. Will fix in next update (I failed >_> soon)!
- It’s possible for FemCop’s forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
- A blocky shading artifact will appear on FemCop’s skin if she’s covered in liquid while lit up by her forcefield during her H scene.
- Splicer Thug needs new bystander animations before his section of the Chain Splicer’s H scene.
- At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt’s section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it’s meant to appear.
- Some of Wraxe’s combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations. Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
Console Commands
The game isn’t balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help. You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console. Type any of the commands below and press enter. Press ` again to close the console.
- godmode on/off – Makes Onyx indestructible.
- onepunchmode on/off – Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
- setwave # – Sets the enemy wave to the number specified. Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out. If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
- setgamespeed # – Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.
August 31 2021 Test Release
This release adds the first Femcop and Onyx H scene, which I think many of you have been excited for ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You can expect an improved version of it next month, with more secondary motion (jiggles) and improved FX. We’re also working on two multi-team FemCop scenes, one of which I’m hopeful we’ll also have ready next month.
We’ve also managed to sneak in a really significant mechanic called the Exhaustion system. Grapples now increase Onyx’s Exhaustion over time, which makes grappling more difficult. Exhaustion also increases by a small amount at the completion of H scenes (but not during, meaning you aren’t rushed while viewing it). This system will be wired into the RPG framework more in the future to make it more interesting. Currently, the mission will end when Onyx reaches max Exhaustion, but this may change later as we continue to develop the Mission/Events system. Onyx’s Exhaustion can be removed simply by visiting The Hub on the world map — it’s automatically removed there.
We could use feedback on Exhaustion system balancing, so please let us know what you think!
(** indicates items added or being added since the August 16 Inner Circle test release):
- ** Added first FemCop + Onyx H scene.
- ** Added an H grab variant of the Flip Kick skill to FemCop.
- ** Added placeholder 2nd armor damage level for FemCop
- ** Added initial version of the Exhaustion system. Grapples increase Onyx’s Exhaustion over time, which makes grappling more difficult. Exhaustion increases by a small amount at the end of H scenes (not during).
- ** When Onyx is completely exhausted, missions now end and she is returned to the Hub. Ending a mission manually will also remove Onyx’s Exhaustion.
- ** Added a placeholder Exhaustion meter to the game screen.
- ** The Exhaustion gauge in the status menu is now functional.
- ** Player now receives a warning if Onyx’s Exhaustion is high when returning to the world map.
- ** Exhaustion is automatically removed when Onyx visits The Hub on the world map.
- ** Chain Splicer now has the “eyeshine” cue before launching an H attack
- ** FIxed clipping on FemCop’s bodysuit shoulders
- ** Fixed an issue where changing key-bindings would cause the game to freeze
- Added Thug section to the Chain Splicer H scene.
- Added additional SFX to the Runt section of the Chain Splicer H scene
- Added the capability for Onyx to travel between maps / exit to the World Map
- Added basic event system, including enemy encounters, triggers, temporary wall colliders to limit encounter areas, and “Go!” indicator to guide Onyx
- Added an arrow indicator to guide player toward map exits/transitions.
- Overhauled camera math to accommodate multiple aspect ratios without breaking enemy encounters.
- Added Test Mission to show off the new map/mission features
- Added first iteration of enemy clothing damage / graphics transformation system
- Added first level armor damage to FemCop (jacket destroyed when hit with heavy attack)
- Added LOD (optimized) model for FemCop
- Added Mule Kick ability to FemCop (she will now counter attack from knockdown)
- Added SFX to FemCop’s Backstep ability
- Completed rework/upgrade of FemCop’s genitals rigging
- Massively reduced chance of firefly artifacts appearing (white flashing circles — visual giltch some players have) appearing.
- FX no longer incorrectly continue playing after an H animation / H scene has been skipped or an attack has been canceled.
- Runt’s box and Ball Drone will no longer fail to appear during Runt’s section of the Chain Splicer H scene.
- Charger can no longer improperly change facing direction after winding up for Ground Stomp
- Wraxe no longer pre-emptively flickers away before his Death animation can complete
- Fixed textures on Ball Drone that were missing after LOD revamp
- Ball Drone is no longer missing its eye during Runt’s section of the Chain Splicer H scene.
- Zoom now functions in the gallery when a scene is not active.
- Game database split in two so that only system data is initialized at startup (will allow for loading animation instead of black screen)
Console Commands
The game isn’t balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help. You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console. Type any of the commands below and press enter. Press ` again to close the console.
- godmode on/off – Makes Onyx indestructible.
- onepunchmode on/off – Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
- setwave # – Sets the enemy wave to the number specified. Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out. If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
- setgamespeed # – Multiplies the game speed by the number specified
May 31st Test Release
The Chain Splicer now has a much more performant chain weapon, so you should see some performance boost if you had lag issues with him before. We’ve also added a performance option to disable post processing. Continue to expect additional performance options in the future
If you haven’t played the Inner Circle release from a couple weeks ago, you’ll be seeing the improved belly bulge on the Onyx vs Wraxe scenes, the new loading screen for the first time, and you may also appreciate that the Vioreapers no longer spam stingers
Check below for additional changes/fixes!
(** indicates items added since the April 17 Inner Circle test release):
- ** Improved viewing angle for the Chain Splicer H Scene
- ** Added secondary motion (jiggles, hair and clothing animation) and a ton of fixes to all Chain Splicer H scene animations
- ** Added liquid FX finisher to the Chain Splicer H scene animation
- ** Added many more detailed sound FX for Runt/Thug double team scene.
- ** Added even more detailed sound FX for the new Chain Splicer scene.
- ** Added oral, H insertion, and H pullout SFX.
- ** Improved CPU/GPU performance for Chain Splicer during combat / grapple
- ** Added Post Processing Disable/Enable option to the Options menu (good option for those looking to increase their performance).
- ** Upgraded Unity version
- ** Fixed issue where sorting inventory doesn’t update currently selected item (would cause incorrect item to be used directly after sorting)
- ** Clean Rag item can now actually be used (woops)
- Added Chain Splicer + Onyx H scene to the game and to the gallery.
- New belly bulge for Onyx added to Street Lord Wraxe H scenes.
- Onyx’s belly piercing no longer gets absorbed into her when her stomach bulges >_>.
- Added the first version of the new loading screen.
- Upgraded basic Hit FX graphics.
- Wraxe can now summon Chain Splicers
- Wraxe now summons more minions at once, but his summon skill has a longer cooldown.
- Street Lord Wraxe should no longer get stuck in place when walking.
- Vioreaper no longer spams stingers.
- Onyx will no longer get a weird burst of speed when skidding to a stop after dashing.
- Actor State Viewer (debug text above characters’ heads) will no longer appear backwards in the Sewer map.
- Street Lord Wraxe now steps back properly after missing a grab instead of sliding across the ground
- Removed stop-motion (“lag”) from Wraxe’s grab animation
- Fixed glitchy liquid pooling on the Runt+Thug double team outro
- Increased footstep volume
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Still have a few fixes/improvements to make on the Chain Splicer H scene anims, especially to the second part of the intro. There are some minor issues with the chains due to having to use a slightly older rig for compatibility. Will be fixed in next update!
- The Chain Splicer currently has no unique H attack animation. His windup animation will receive new FX soon to distinguish between an H attack and regular attack.
- New loading screen may have issues with 3:2 aspect ratio. We’re working on a fix.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Chain Splicer can immediately hit Onyx after an H scene if he had wound up to attack before the H scene began.
- Kanji on the Chain Splicer’s jacket is backwards when he faces left (will be fixed in next update).
- Street Lord Wraxe can dash backwards if he begins his dash at the far right side of the map.
- Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Spamming attack/jump while Onyx is knocked down can sometimes produce a glitchy animation just before she gets back up, which can affect her next combo.
- Street Lord Wraxe’s hitbox is not good, especially during his attack animations (Onyx’s hits will usually miss when it looks like they should land). He’s the first enemy to move a lot from his origin during animations, and this separates him from his collider.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
Console Commands
The game isn’t balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help. You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console. Type any of the commands below and press enter. Press ` again to close the console.
- godmode on/off – Makes Onyx indestructible.
- onepunchmode on/off – Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
- setwave # – Sets the enemy wave to the number specified. Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out. If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
- setgamespeed # – Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.
May 31st Test Release
The Chain Splicer now has a much more performant chain weapon, so you should see some performance boost if you had lag issues with him before. We’ve also added a performance option to disable post processing. Continue to expect additional performance options in the future
If you haven’t played the Inner Circle release from a couple weeks ago, you’ll be seeing the improved belly bulge on the Onyx vs Wraxe scenes, the new loading screen for the first time, and you may also appreciate that the Vioreapers no longer spam stingers
Check below for additional changes/fixes!
(** indicates items added since the April 17 Inner Circle test release):
- ** Improved viewing angle for the Chain Splicer H Scene
- ** Added secondary motion (jiggles, hair and clothing animation) and a ton of fixes to all Chain Splicer H scene animations
- ** Added liquid FX finisher to the Chain Splicer H scene animation
- ** Added many more detailed sound FX for Runt/Thug double team scene.
- ** Added even more detailed sound FX for the new Chain Splicer scene.
- ** Added oral, H insertion, and H pullout SFX.
- ** Improved CPU/GPU performance for Chain Splicer during combat / grapple
- ** Added Post Processing Disable/Enable option to the Options menu (good option for those looking to increase their performance).
- ** Upgraded Unity version
- ** Fixed issue where sorting inventory doesn’t update currently selected item (would cause incorrect item to be used directly after sorting)
- ** Clean Rag item can now actually be used (woops)
- Added Chain Splicer + Onyx H scene to the game and to the gallery.
- New belly bulge for Onyx added to Street Lord Wraxe H scenes.
- Onyx’s belly piercing no longer gets absorbed into her when her stomach bulges >_>.
- Added the first version of the new loading screen.
- Upgraded basic Hit FX graphics.
- Wraxe can now summon Chain Splicers
- Wraxe now summons more minions at once, but his summon skill has a longer cooldown.
- Street Lord Wraxe should no longer get stuck in place when walking.
- Vioreaper no longer spams stingers.
- Onyx will no longer get a weird burst of speed when skidding to a stop after dashing.
- Actor State Viewer (debug text above characters’ heads) will no longer appear backwards in the Sewer map.
- Street Lord Wraxe now steps back properly after missing a grab instead of sliding across the ground
- Removed stop-motion (“lag”) from Wraxe’s grab animation
- Fixed glitchy liquid pooling on the Runt+Thug double team outro
- Increased footstep volume
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Still have a few fixes/improvements to make on the Chain Splicer H scene anims, especially to the second part of the intro. There are some minor issues with the chains due to having to use a slightly older rig for compatibility. Will be fixed in next update!
- The Chain Splicer currently has no unique H attack animation. His windup animation will receive new FX soon to distinguish between an H attack and regular attack.
- New loading screen may have issues with 3:2 aspect ratio. We’re working on a fix.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Chain Splicer can immediately hit Onyx after an H scene if he had wound up to attack before the H scene began.
- Kanji on the Chain Splicer’s jacket is backwards when he faces left (will be fixed in next update).
- Street Lord Wraxe can dash backwards if he begins his dash at the far right side of the map.
- Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Spamming attack/jump while Onyx is knocked down can sometimes produce a glitchy animation just before she gets back up, which can affect her next combo.
- Street Lord Wraxe’s hitbox is not good, especially during his attack animations (Onyx’s hits will usually miss when it looks like they should land). He’s the first enemy to move a lot from his origin during animations, and this separates him from his collider.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
Console Commands
The game isn’t balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help. You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console. Type any of the commands below and press enter. Press ` again to close the console.
- godmode on/off – Makes Onyx indestructible.
- onepunchmode on/off – Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
- setwave # – Sets the enemy wave to the number specified. Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out. If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
- setgamespeed # – Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.
April 29th Test release
If you haven’t checked out the April 17 release yet, then you’ll also be seeing the second Splicer Boss vs FemCop gallery H scene (with bodysuit variants) and Brum’s character/object reflection FX system for the first time. Here’s the whole changelog!
(** indicates items added since the April 17 Inner Circle test release):
- ** Added Chain Splicer enemy for combat testing.
- ** Added the Clean Rag consumable item to the shop for cleaning up Onyx >_>.
- ** Added ability to clean characters off in Gallery Mode.
- ** Female characters are now visible as a preview before initiating a scene in Gallery Mode.
- ** Facing direction of H scenes can now be changed in Gallery Mode.
- ** Characters no longer improperly collide with item pickups.
- ** Enemies no longer get pushed up off the ground by tiny amounts when hit.
- ** Knocked down enemies will no longer slide around on the ground in weird directions.
- ** Enemies will no longer “airwalk” while they are being knocked down.
- ** H scene bystanders will no longer stand on top of each other.
- ** Backwards-facing Runt during H scene is really really fixed this time.
- ** Charger will no longer go to sleep right in the middle of an H scene.
- ** The Charger will no longer snap from Idle to Asleep after being a bystander to an H scene.
- ** Onyx will no longer slide for infinity upon K.O. (0 HP) at low FPS.
- ** Turning Debug View (F1 key) on/off will no longer result in crazy white sparkles all over the screen.
- ** Fixed an item randomization issue with the shop’s restock function.
- ** Improved physics/combat collision masking yields a CPU performance boost.
- ** Revamped AI combat zones system. Instead of constructing AI zones of engagement via code, they now use collider shapes similar to hitboxes.
- ** Enemies now properly use their internal “reaction time” parameter, and now have a “post-nudge wait timer” (causes them to wait to make a decision — important for difficulty / balancing)
- ** Fixed scaling issue with most enemy attack FX where they’d appear larger when the enemy is facing left.
- ** Gallery Mode scene now utilizes reflection FX system
** Fixed out of sync SFX in new FemCop vs Wraxe H scene - ** Enemies now spawn playing their idle animation instead of T-pose.
- Added Femcop vs Street Lord Wraxe “Lift” H scene to the gallery.
- Added bodysuit variants of FemCop H scenes to the gallery.
- Added Brum’s character/object reflection FX system.
- Added Reflection FX on/off toggle and quality settings to Options menu.
- Splicer Thug + Runt double team scene now adds liquid to Onyx’s head zone (it’s complete overkill and will be split up later
- Improved FemCop booty/genitals textures
- Improved FemCop’s genitals rigging / more fixes to rig in general
- The game no longer lags when enemies spawn.
- Fixed an issue where pressing “skip animation” at the last phase of a scene in Gallery Mode (during fade to black) would instead loop the animation.
- Actors’ debug information no longer appears above them in Gallery Mode, and it’s been disabled so it can’t be accidentally toggled.
- Fixed reversed camera zoom input in Gallery Mode
- Gallery camera zoom speed is now the same as in stage.
- Improved processing for Gallery scene activation/deactivation and handling for stage UI toggling.
- Skeleton swap is now properly concealed behind the white flash when grapple scenes / H scenes begin.
- H animation desync issues have been resolved.
- Runt will no longer face the opposite direction during H scenes (we think; we haven’t seen it in testing and APL’s revamp should have fixed it)
- It’s now possible to play multiple H scenes simultaneously (there are no events set up for this to happen yet, just flexing >_>)
- Animations in H scenes can now loop independently of the main scene (will be very useful for upcoming multi-team scenes).
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Chain Splicer can immediately hit Onyx after an H scene if he had wound up to attack before the H scene began.
- Kanji on the Chain Splicer’s jacket is backwards when he faces left (will be fixed in next update).
- Street Lord Wraxe can dash backwards if he begins his dash at the far right side of the map.
- Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Spamming attack/jump while Onyx is knocked down can sometimes produce a glitchy animation just before she gets back up, which can affect her next combo.
- Street Lord Wraxe’s hitbox is not good, especially during his attack animations (Onyx’s hits will usually miss when it looks like they should land). He’s the first enemy to move a lot from his origin during animations, and this separates him from his collider.
- Street Lord Wraxe may become stuck while walking. He can be knocked out of it however. (May be fixed, let us know if you see this one!)
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
April 29th Test release
If you haven’t checked out the April 17 release yet, then you’ll also be seeing the second Splicer Boss vs FemCop gallery H scene (with bodysuit variants) and Brum’s character/object reflection FX system for the first time. Here’s the whole changelog!
(** indicates items added since the April 17 Inner Circle test release):
- ** Added Chain Splicer enemy for combat testing.
- ** Added the Clean Rag consumable item to the shop for cleaning up Onyx >_>.
- ** Added ability to clean characters off in Gallery Mode.
- ** Female characters are now visible as a preview before initiating a scene in Gallery Mode.
- ** Facing direction of H scenes can now be changed in Gallery Mode.
- ** Characters no longer improperly collide with item pickups.
- ** Enemies no longer get pushed up off the ground by tiny amounts when hit.
- ** Knocked down enemies will no longer slide around on the ground in weird directions.
- ** Enemies will no longer “airwalk” while they are being knocked down.
- ** H scene bystanders will no longer stand on top of each other.
- ** Backwards-facing Runt during H scene is really really fixed this time.
- ** Charger will no longer go to sleep right in the middle of an H scene.
- ** The Charger will no longer snap from Idle to Asleep after being a bystander to an H scene.
- ** Onyx will no longer slide for infinity upon K.O. (0 HP) at low FPS.
- ** Turning Debug View (F1 key) on/off will no longer result in crazy white sparkles all over the screen.
- ** Fixed an item randomization issue with the shop’s restock function.
- ** Improved physics/combat collision masking yields a CPU performance boost.
- ** Revamped AI combat zones system. Instead of constructing AI zones of engagement via code, they now use collider shapes similar to hitboxes.
- ** Enemies now properly use their internal “reaction time” parameter, and now have a “post-nudge wait timer” (causes them to wait to make a decision — important for difficulty / balancing)
- ** Fixed scaling issue with most enemy attack FX where they’d appear larger when the enemy is facing left.
- ** Gallery Mode scene now utilizes reflection FX system
** Fixed out of sync SFX in new FemCop vs Wraxe H scene - ** Enemies now spawn playing their idle animation instead of T-pose.
- Added Femcop vs Street Lord Wraxe “Lift” H scene to the gallery.
- Added bodysuit variants of FemCop H scenes to the gallery.
- Added Brum’s character/object reflection FX system.
- Added Reflection FX on/off toggle and quality settings to Options menu.
- Splicer Thug + Runt double team scene now adds liquid to Onyx’s head zone (it’s complete overkill and will be split up later
- Improved FemCop booty/genitals textures
- Improved FemCop’s genitals rigging / more fixes to rig in general
- The game no longer lags when enemies spawn.
- Fixed an issue where pressing “skip animation” at the last phase of a scene in Gallery Mode (during fade to black) would instead loop the animation.
- Actors’ debug information no longer appears above them in Gallery Mode, and it’s been disabled so it can’t be accidentally toggled.
- Fixed reversed camera zoom input in Gallery Mode
- Gallery camera zoom speed is now the same as in stage.
- Improved processing for Gallery scene activation/deactivation and handling for stage UI toggling.
- Skeleton swap is now properly concealed behind the white flash when grapple scenes / H scenes begin.
- H animation desync issues have been resolved.
- Runt will no longer face the opposite direction during H scenes (we think; we haven’t seen it in testing and APL’s revamp should have fixed it)
- It’s now possible to play multiple H scenes simultaneously (there are no events set up for this to happen yet, just flexing >_>)
- Animations in H scenes can now loop independently of the main scene (will be very useful for upcoming multi-team scenes).
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Charger’s hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Chain Splicer can immediately hit Onyx after an H scene if he had wound up to attack before the H scene began.
- Kanji on the Chain Splicer’s jacket is backwards when he faces left (will be fixed in next update).
- Street Lord Wraxe can dash backwards if he begins his dash at the far right side of the map.
- Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
- Liquid won’t show on Onyx during the Thug’s solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug’s H scene finishers sometimes doesn’t play. We’re aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Spamming attack/jump while Onyx is knocked down can sometimes produce a glitchy animation just before she gets back up, which can affect her next combo.
- Street Lord Wraxe’s hitbox is not good, especially during his attack animations (Onyx’s hits will usually miss when it looks like they should land). He’s the first enemy to move a lot from his origin during animations, and this separates him from his collider.
- Street Lord Wraxe may become stuck while walking. He can be knocked out of it however. (May be fixed, let us know if you see this one!)
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he’s a bystander.
April 12
PURE ONYX – February 24 2021 Test Release.
SPOILER: changelog
** Added outro animations to the Splicer Thug + Runt H scene.
[*]** H scenes should no longer break by pressing jump just as a grapple starts or during transition into an H scene.
[*]** Fixed an issue where liquid graphics on Onyx could display improperly during Street Lord Wraxe’s H scenes.
[*]** Made a heap of back-end updates to the game database and preparations for saving/loading game data
[*]Fixed an issue where none of the controls worked for some players due to the Settings.ini file not being properly generated.
[*]Added the first double team H scene for the Splicer Thug and Runt.
[*]Fixed consumable item price not taking used charges into consideration
[*]Added an option to specify gamepad type for display purposes – input indicators, controls sheet, etc.
[*]Some additional functional and accessibility changes semi-related to the above
[*]Changed what happens when error occurs during ini loading – instead of breaking the game, it now correctly aborts ini loading, leaving default values for all options
[*]Added enforced encoding to ini saving/loading just in case
[*]Added inventory autosort functionality
[*]Added Item Sorting Order options to the Options screen
[*]Added sorting shop inventory on restock
[*]Overrode item/shop screen’s reorder mode toggle input to auto-sort all containers instead
[*]Split Shop window into Shop and Repair
[*]Repair window now only shows damaged equipment
[*]Added gamepad key binding for Equipment Compare input action
[*]Fixed issue with stage menu navbar vanishing when resolution is changed in Options screen (still one artifact left to fix)
[*]Added redesigned/improved FPS counter
[*]Added debug key [F4] allowing switching minimum framerate between default 30 and 10, which should allow us to better gauge the performance on some user configurations
[*]Runts will panic less now.
[*]Fixed an issue that could cause an actor to face the wrong direction during an H scene involving Runts
[*]Added layer override functionality during H scenes for removing unwanted shadows on characters.
[*]Gameplay time clock is now functional (bottom left of status menu)
[*]New Babylon (in-game time) clock now functional (top right of status menu)
PURE ONYX – February 24 2021 Test Release.
** Added outro animations to the Splicer Thug + Runt H scene.
[*]** H scenes should no longer break by pressing jump just as a grapple starts or during transition into an H scene.
[*]** Fixed an issue where liquid graphics on Onyx could display improperly during Street Lord Wraxe’s H scenes.
[*]** Made a heap of back-end updates to the game database and preparations for saving/loading game data
[*]Fixed an issue where none of the controls worked for some players due to the Settings.ini file not being properly generated.
[*]Added the first double team H scene for the Splicer Thug and Runt.
[*]Fixed consumable item price not taking used charges into consideration
[*]Added an option to specify gamepad type for display purposes – input indicators, controls sheet, etc.
[*]Some additional functional and accessibility changes semi-related to the above
[*]Changed what happens when error occurs during ini loading – instead of breaking the game, it now correctly aborts ini loading, leaving default values for all options
[*]Added enforced encoding to ini saving/loading just in case
[*]Added inventory autosort functionality
[*]Added Item Sorting Order options to the Options screen
[*]Added sorting shop inventory on restock
[*]Overrode item/shop screen’s reorder mode toggle input to auto-sort all containers instead
[*]Split Shop window into Shop and Repair
[*]Repair window now only shows damaged equipment
[*]Added gamepad key binding for Equipment Compare input action
[*]Fixed issue with stage menu navbar vanishing when resolution is changed in Options screen (still one artifact left to fix)
[*]Added redesigned/improved FPS counter
[*]Added debug key [F4] allowing switching minimum framerate between default 30 and 10, which should allow us to better gauge the performance on some user configurations
[*]Runts will panic less now.
[*]Fixed an issue that could cause an actor to face the wrong direction during an H scene involving Runts
[*]Added layer override functionality during H scenes for removing unwanted shadows on characters.
[*]Gameplay time clock is now functional (bottom left of status menu)
[*]New Babylon (in-game time) clock now functional (top right of status menu)
August 31
CHANGELOG / FIXED BUGS (since May 7 test release)
- Added basic versions of the Chain Splicer enemy and the first boss. They currently have limited move sets and are not yet rigged for full animation.
- Added a new H scene for the Splicer Thug (this is an updated version of the animation released in the May 11 Inner Circle release).
- Onyx’s real skeleton has been added, allowing for Spine animations during regular gameplay. There’s still work to do to get animation blending behaving properly on her though, so we’ve disabled it for now.
- Added Onyx’s Idle animation and updated the Walk animation.
- Updated Onyx’s move set artwork.
- Now that Onyx has a shadow, we’ve removed the colored markers from below the characters.
- Redid the services that reset game data when the level loads, and re-enabled ‘Return to Main Menu’ in the pause menu.
- Resolved some of the AI hang-up issues.
- Draw order for characters engaged in an H scene is now correct
- Input now works for keyboards on the Game Over screen
- Added various sound effects
- Improved the code for spawning enemies to accommodate the new variety, and for enemy reinforcements mid-wave.
- Added code for updating enemy portrait
- The camera now centers on the action during H scenes.