Space Journey X v1.40.18 by y.v., Space Journey X is adult game about Our human hero is hurled across space alongside an alien female deep space explorer, whose ship he accidentally destroyed… Supported by an overconfident drone and a mysterious passenger, it is our hero’s task to make his fortune and embark on the long journey back home, while dealing with alien women, crazy sex-bots and adventurers in his path…
Expanded Job System (Ship Replating, Torpedo Stocking, Shell Crafting, …)
The Waystation System
4 Beacon Challenges
Elite Bot Farming Wrecksite
The Assembler End Boss
The Return Home Ending
and much more…
New System NX010
Vaultship encounters with new unique shields and weapons
New Hull Plating system
New Unique G Shell with random stat boosts
Racy/Revealing Uniform for Moira
Krell Uniform for Moira
Vee Signal Inhibitor (NSFW) w/ updated Uniform Order Screen
New NSFW Animations for Moira, Tris, Nimhe, Vee
New NSFW cutscenes (Belit, Achievements, Uniform Fitting Moira, …)
Vee Revised
Main Quest: The Way Home
Tons of GUI updates
Alternate NSFW angles for some anims
V-Type QC (NSFW)
Early game balancing improvements
and more…
Main New Features
New Main Quest
Expanded Disciplining Game
Verity Poledance
Sickbay and Crew Room 2
Dr. Moira onbarded into Crew
New job for Seraphine (Shopping, Surprise Crates)
GUI updates
Voron Hyperdrive Player Base Jumps
Cluster Mines
Navigateable and Mineable Quthor system
Expanded Disciplining Minigame
GUI improvements…
BOT Balancing (& Slot Upgrades)
New exclusive items
New NSFW Scenes and animations
Multiverse Pod Retrieval procedure
Nothing to do, it is just there in your new Game
Multiverse Warehouse: Will autofill at first entry (if you you saved it out with the pod)
Known Issues V1.10.10 (non reproducible, under analysis)
CR-0804 / V1.10.8 / Bug / Leila Reward Scene cannot be triggered (but advances quest?) in certain circumstances
CR-0805 / V1.10.8 / Bug / Command positions quest does not clear under special circumstances
Dev Notes
Resolution 1920×1080, Initial release
Monthly releases planned
NOTE: V1.40 saves will _not_ work for technical reasons. Please start a new game and use “Skip To” for new content only You _can_ import your gear into V1.50 from the MV pod (see Walkthrough) *** ALWAYS INSTALL GAME INTO NEW FOLDER! *** DO _NOT_ USE URM! GAME WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY WITH IT.