Star Knightess Aura Free Download Aura-dev
Star Knightess Aura v0.50.0 Prerelease 3 by aura-dev, Star Knightess Aura is a game about Follow Aura’s adventure as she is thrust into the fantasy world of Roya. What she initially believed to follow the conventional plotline of a “summoned to another world”-story quickly turns into her worst nightmare. Cursed by the Demon King, Aura must now struggle every night to track down her nemesis and ultimately strike him down.
But her enemies don’t just lurk in Roya. Having entered her mind through the Demon King’s curse, another enemy attempts to brainwash and corrupt Aura from the inside. Faced with a two-pronged attack against her body and mind, can Aura finish off her worst enemy without losing herself?
Star Knightess Aura is an RPG with nsfw erotic content, made with RPG Maker MZ. The game features themes of corruption, brainwashing, mental changes, possession, mind control, and NTR. All characters are 18+.​
Updated: 2024-12-27
Release Date: 2024-12-27
Developer: aura-dev – Patreon – – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: v0.50.0
OS: Windows
Language: English
2. Run
Changelog 0.50.0 (27.12.2024)
- Added Corruption Ending 4 H-CGs
- Added Demonic Rose Character Artwork
- Added mini quest in Magic Workshop: Orb Charge
- Finished quest Final Battle
- Finished quest Clockwork Forest
- Added map Clockwork Tower F3
- Added map Clockwork Tower F4
- Added map Richard Domain 8
- Added map Richard Domain 9
- Added boss Artificer
- Added boss Luciela
- Added boss Hi-Demon King
- Added boss Demon King
- Added skill Star Shine III
- Added skill Bestow Skill
- Added skill Bestow Mana
- Added material Heart of the Artificer
- Added artifact Drowse Guard
- Added workshop artifact level 6: Magic Enhancer+
- Expanded Nephlune Clerk to offer fake Novice and Intermediate Rank quests to advance towards rank-up in exchange for Bloodshot Eyes Drugs
- Overengineered Artificer Tower elevator
- Added enable and disable labels to trap options on Clockwork Tower console
- Added Clockwork Tower entry event to F2 in case player enters via vines
- Implemented back-up party member swapping in when battle member is defeated
- Added construct options to Clockwork Tower F2 console
- Added visual effect to Clockwork Tower barrier
- Set up music for Clockwork Forest areas
- Added teleport shrine to Clockwork Forest
- Added first Star Knightess transformation closeup sequence with matching effects to closeup sequence in corruption ending
- Added Shatter effect to Corruption Ending Scene 4 and Labyrinth of Happiness
- Integrate CutIn plugin to cover over SK Costume switch mid-battle
- Added Luciela Cut In when she uses Nightmare Claw on a DROWSY target
- Added customized pixel chars for Goblin Shaman, King and Empowered Avian
- Integrated greenworks and steam achievement API
- Increase max killed bosses to 126
- Changed Clockwork Forest quest to unlock upon Expert-Rank unlock
- Decreased Belphegor AGI to 15
- Reduced Magic Mastery Club joining fee from 10000 to 5000 Gold
- Increased Patentia MATK buff to Drastic buff
- Increased Edwin base level by 1
- Added Fireinfused and Fire DRAIN Resistance but also Water WEAKNESS traits to Sathanas
- Increased SK drain in Richard Domain 9 by 1 per drain
- Increased Rene HP to 240 and AGI to 16 for better consistency
- Fixed typos
- Fixed Slash of the Tiger not being added when using SK
- Fixed broken jump point in Richard Domain 8
- Fixed Dolus having tags in the compendium before that information is revealed
- Fixed overlap with Aura and Thunder Golem if she enters via vines and leaves via F1 door
- Fixed passability issues in Clockwork Tower F3
- Fixed world fog option defaulting to off when starting a fresh game
v0.49.0 (15.11.2024)
- Added female Georgia character art
- Added map Richard Domain 6
- Added encounters and loot in Richard Domain 6
- Blocked off Richard Domain 6 if Asmodeus hasn’t been defeated yet
- Added boss replacement encounter in Richard Domain 6
- Added Security Chip effect to Thunder Golem
- Added notetag for Security Chip overrides
- Unlocked Sick Workers after resucing Edwin instead of after entering the Congregation
- Moved reveal that killing the Demon King on Earth moves his soul to Roya into Intro
- Added dialogue at end of Festival for 100 day demon general limit
- Change Aura expressions when examining intro corpses to grim face instead of smile
- Improved ATK consistency among demons: Decrease Hi-Wrath to 200, Hi-Greed to 175, but increase Lucifer to 225
- Reduced number of lava tiles in Richard Domain 2 and replace them with level 2 heat tiles
- Fixed autosaves no longer loading after a map is edited
- Fixed Tenacity applying twice in New Game Plus
- Fixed minor early game visual glitches in Hermann 1 and when learning Light 1
- Fixed typos
- Fixed Fleura corruption mission content being removed from the game
- Fixed remaining adult content being shown when adult content is off
- Fixed Trademond sex scene not adding to sex variable
- Fixed Trademond 2 sex scene not resetting Official Master passive counter
- Fixed passability errors in Richard Domain 4
- Fixed sleep balloon playing on wandering fisherman in Sailor Quarters even if he is not there
- Fixed being unable to progress Rampaging Golem at the academy if Roland is dead
- Fixed being able to save from message window shortcut when saving is disabled
Changelog 0.48.0 (25.10.2024)
- Added Veronica and George 8 Part 2 H-CGs
- Addded map Richard Domain 4 Envy
- Iterated Clockwork Forest Eastern Area
- Iterated Clockwork Forest west
- Judgement of Pride: Implemented Sixth Judgement
- Added boss Lucifer
- Added boss Thunder Golem
- Added skill Seductive Dance I
- Added skill Seductive Dance II
- Added skill Seductive Dance III
- Added skill Seductive Command I
- Added skill Seductive Command II
- Added skill Seductive Command III
- Added lewd book “Skillbook: Seductive Command I”
- Added lewd book “Skillbook: Seductive Command II”
- Added Slash III to John at level 14
- Added option to learn Seductive Dance I at Maid Academy
- Added option to learn Seductive Dance II at Maid Academy
- Gave Paulina Seductive Dance I at Maid Score 70 and Seductive Dance II at Maid Score 90, moving Seductive Stance II to 80
- Added material Power Core
- Gave Ether Golem Security Chip, Power Core and Etherplating drops
- Added emerald tea reward to Money Domain refugee if player paid debts of the other two competitors
- Nothing but the truth: Updated quest in case Roland dies before the quest becomes or is active
- Judgement of Pride: Implemented objective quest hand-in
- Poisoned Elixirs: Updated quest in case Roland dies before the quest becomes or is active
- Rampaging Golem: Updated quest in case Roland dies before the quest becomes or is active
- Luck is also a Skill: Updated Quest with variations for Roland death
- Gave one of the fishers in Nephlune an npc routine
- Expanded Order of the Knights Prison
- Added Order of the Knights Vice Chest
- Implemented credits plugin
- Added Goblin Shaman Compendium Unlock by Albrecht
- Added compendium partial info unlock for Mutated Hydrangea and Mature Spiders
- Added nobleman wandering NPC to Verdeaux
- Implemented mental changes for Chapter 3 Lewd Skill Shrine
- Implemented Entertainment Den Slavery section
- Added wandering NPCs with complex routines to Verdeaux
- Added post-reverse summoning ritual variation for Verdeaux nobleman
- Added custom pixel art for Dark Star Knightess TV/SV/TVD
- Added custom pixel art chars for Ogre King and Mature Spider Queen
- Added improved key unlocking pixel art for doors needing keys and remove no longer necessary door keys
- Added improved key unlocking visual for chests
- Refactored enemy Shadowcloak to be gained on combat start like the player instead of Turn 0
- Refactored hard-coded Rune usage logic to generic tag-based logic
- Improved performance of Event Shift plugin
- Improved performance of artifact plugin
- Improved performance Turn Count Lables
- Improved performance by CAE_MapEvents plugin by adding flags to deactivate unused features
- Increased max killed bosses to 121
- Updated Seductive Stance III to affect both enemies and allies
- Added Heartbreak state giving CHARM resist and being gained upon CHARM removal until end of battle
- Reduced learning requirements Overcharge I to 30 ATK, 120 MP, Overcharge II to 50 ATK 200 MP, Thunderbolt II 60 MATK, 125 MP, Thunderbolt III 80 MATK, 250 MP
- Reduced HP cost progression on Assassinate II and III
- Slay the Demon: Raised number of free starter perks in Slay the Demon from 1 to 3
- Slay the Demon: Decreased Class Point cost per Skill from 5 to 4
- Increased Bomb damage increase from Bomb Proficiency I/II to 50%/100% #6688
- Fixed typos
- Fixed remains of soldiers after Roland battle in Goddess Domain blocking path
- Fixed Luck Rate affecting probability of 100% State Application Effects on Normal Attacks
- Rampaging Golem: Fixed Tell Truth option looping
- Rampaging Golem: Fix mixups in state variables for end choices
- Fixed phantom Fleura and repeated choice after she wins corruption mission duel
- Fixed Fire Mage in Pasciel causing crash
- Fixed weather fog not resetting on load
- Fixed incorrect Magic Academy book variable post-reverse summoning ritual
- Fixed graphical glitch on mental day end in identity room unlock
- Fixed secret door in Laval mansion overlapping fireplace
- Fixed Reading Proficiency not affecting Tales of the Artificer
- Fixed A Child Needed not always giving Shadow support
- Fixed softlock case in Twin Adventurers corruption mission
- Fixed merchant not appearing in underground city when teleporting into it
- Fixed Demon-cracy flow issues when adult content is set to OFF
- Fixed Elizabeth boyfriend H-scene showing with adult content set to OFF
- Fixed apple merchant only restocking 1 apple a day on story difficulty
- Fixed Desmond incorrectly saying player defeated forest bandit leader even when they did not
- Fixed nonexistent objective trying to close in Something Is Fishy if Roland is dead
- Fixed Eyes of Greed not applying to pure recruitment option on Demon-cracy merchant
- Fixed vice choice in Poison Swamp still being offered before vice is unlocked
- Fixed missing system messages when enhancing Unicorn Horn
- Fixed Shadow investment option not increasing vice or corruption
- Fixed shadow mismatch on rock in Winterfall
- Fixed patrol desync in Clockwork Forest hidden cave
Changelog 0.47.0 (27.09.2024)
- Added Lady Charlotte 2 H-CGs
- Added Lady Charlotte 3 H-CGs
- Added Geroge and Veronica 4 H-CGs
- Added George and Veronica 8 Part 1 H-CGs
- Added map Richard Domain Level 3
- Implemented quest stub “Jugement of Pride”
- Judgement of Pride: Implemented investigate murder victim house objective
- Judgement of Pride: Implemented discover entry to Lucifer Domain objective
- Judgement of Pride: Implemented First Judgement
- Judgement of Pride: Added enemy Vainglory
- Judgement of Pride: Added enemy Arrogance
- Judgement of Pride: Added enemy Vindictiveness
- Judgement of Pride: Implement Second Judgement
- Judgement of Pride: Implement Third Judgement
- Judgement of Pride: Implement Fourth Judgement
- Judgement of Pride: Implement Fifth Judgement
- Removed Charlotte from Roya events while caught on the trolley tracks
- Clockwork Forest: Added map Hidden Cave
- Clockwork Forest: Added additional enemies
- Clockwork Forest: Implemented western forest
- Clockwork Forest: Implemented selectable protocol dialogue for clockwork forest enemies
- Clockwork Forest: Implemented option to re-challenge Shirleen for her skill after losing
- Clockwork Forest: Implemented enemy detection range bonus
- Clockwork Forest: Gave Scout Scanner Trait and implement Scanner Trait
- Clockwork Forest: Implemented Eastern Clockwork Forest bridge
- Clockwork Forest: Implemented rope points in eastern Clockwork Forest
- Added skill Light III
- Added skill Radiance II
- Added skill Divine Guard II
- Added artifact Mana Shield
- Added boss Unicorn
- Added boss Ether Golem
- Implemented Entertainment Den Contract: Hermann Favors
- Moved base materials to rope merchant and give Nephlune merchant other materials for restock
- Added explanation aura for giving info about ground color and crystal color in recollection rooms
- Added marker for Northern Mines Vitality Potion in Hidden Room
- Added Vice option to steal Pyromantium from crates in Northern Mines
- Added Rainbow Scale as possible item for passing maid in Arwin’s Mansion
- Created first implmentation of world fog plugin
- Iterated main menu plugin
- Added flags to select skill plugin for showing skill costs and allowing cancel
- Added visual indicators for Curse of Greed in choice lists
- Added next skill display to status menu
- Expanded Nephlune with wandering NPCs
- Added side doors asset into Winterfall Inn
- Added parameter into save menu plugin for increased number of saves in playtest mode
- Improved error analytics to send game state information in addition to stacktrace
- Expanded New Game Plus Carry Over event with Difficulty meta info
- Created meta plugin to track deploy target in analytics
- Increase max killed bosses to 119
- Iterated Unicorn encounter
- Improved Web Bombs to Paralyze target for 1 turn if target is Flying to deny enemy turn if outsped
- Reduced gold cost factor of blessing an item from the White Priestess from x5 to x4
- Increased HP harvesting cost for base materials except rope to 10
- Streamlined enemy logic in Northern Mines Low Demon Domain by making all battles escapable and giving Low-Demon a Detector tag
- Fixed typos
- Reworked Shadow battle
- Fixed Shadow battle crashing if tmp switch is on when it starts
- Fixed error reporting in analytics not triggering
- Fixed crash at Rosemond mansion
- Fixed being able to enter Murder Victim House before starting judgement of Pride
- Fixed Charlotte disappearing from Adventurer Guild pre-Judgement of Pride first Judgement
- Fixed Unicorn Horn description not listing Light III
- Fixed Fast Items Stance consuming multiple coatings
- Fixed presenting Marie Ledger stopping trial from progressing
- Fixed off by one in Hermann check for Charlotte Marriage
- Fixed being able to learn Rampage III after already knowing it
- Fixed broken removal of rank 1 spell version when receiving reward from Slay the Demon
- Fixed off-by-one modulo counting in Trademond restock
- Fixed menu crashing if Aura is present in a non-leader index
- Fixed cancel button on skill select window being underneath help window
- Fixed difficulty option not playing confirm or buzzer sounds
- Fixed Arwin proxy battle not progressing if beating him when he picked his monster first
- Fixed lingering standing image after Bandit Blowjob if Adult Content OFF
- Fixed undefined menu images when party leader is Aura
- Fixed lingering Aura standing image after ruined lab dialogue
- Fixed bush tile in hidden cave causing passability issues
- Fixed incorrect facing directions on hidden cave jump points
- Fixed passability issue with hidden cave clockwork pillar
- Fixed western forest well rope not already being present in hidden cave
- Fixed incorrect rewards in hidden cave
- Fixed hidden cave encounter pathing allowing for trivial avoidance
- Fixed Hedgehog not using Defensive Stance on first turn
- Fixed Quills having skill type Special instead of Martial
Changelog 0.46.0 (30.08.2024)
- Added Fighting Over Richard 6+7 H-CGs
- Added Fighting Over Richard 5 H-CGs
- Added mental change Shatter Idealism Crystal
- Added ending scene “Corruption Ending 1”
- Added ending scene “Corruption Ending 2”
- Added epilogue scene Capture of Trademond
- Added epilogue scene Unification of Nephlune
- Added epilogue scene Fall of Verdeaux
- Added epilogue scene Paulina Partial Maid
- Added epilogue scene Bandit Kingdom
- Added epilogue scene Earth Invasion
- Added epilogue scene Fixing Alicia
- Added epilogue scene Maid Academy
- Added epilogue scene John. (Resistance)”
- Added epilogue scene Slime Club
- Added epilogue scene Fate of The Resistance
- Added epilogue scene James
- Added ending lewd scene “Corruption Ending 3”
- Added final lewd epilogue scene Corruption Ending
- Added Fall of Verdeaux Variation for Knight-Commander Lorraine
- Added updated Cursed Aura Roya pixel art
- Added updated Patricial pixel art
- Added map Gamble Board Game Dungeon
- Added map Order of the Knights prison
- Added map eastern Clockwork Forest
- Added quest stub Clockwork Forest
- Added quest Slay the Demon
- Iterated demon-crac
- Improved narrative design of some Demon-Crazy interactions/scenes
- Added book “Expert Theory Of Magic”
- Added book “The Art Of Heat Up”
- Added book “The Art Of Pacify”
- Added book “Tales of The Artificer”
- Added skill The Art of Tailwind
- Added skill Fast Item Stance II
- Added Ending Recollection Room
- Demon-cracy: Adjusted Lord Nephlune’s dialogue to alter core quest objective
- Demon-cracy: Removed ability to fail quest
- Demon-cracy: Added dialogue to Liliana after slavery ending
- Added costume Dark Star Knightess
- Setup basic epilogue scene manager
- Added option for Deluxe console to unlock the ending room
- Added Dark Star Knightess option to Costume Selection of Deluxe Console
- Demon-cracy: Allowed player to make minion vice choices later if unlocked
- Added Bunny Girl variations for Fleura, Aria and Liria
- Expanded epilogue with demon-craczy results
- Expanded Demon Invasion 2 No Influential Ally with Rescued Sophie variation
- Moved Aura portrait to right side when talking to Shadow minion
- Added pink hearts to Liliana dialogue during Voting Encouragement H-scene
- Improved flow of Voting Encouragement ending
- Changed Shadow reason for teleporting Aura to shadow realm
- Added missing vice checks to corruption actions in Demon-cracy
- Registered epilogue variables and switches for NG+ carry over
- Added unique quest variable values for losing to Shadow depending on whether player backed him initially
- Added choice for picking up individual items in A Just Reward
- Added replacement enemy in Richard’s Domain in case Sathanas is defeated outside
- Saved party formation before fighting Claire and Dolus and restore it afterwards
- Expanded Eligoss Domain with backattack route
- Implemented analytics for NG+ bonuses
- Added difficulty tag to Learned Skill Analystics and Lewd Scene Analystics
- Added Nephlune Church marking after opening the Church
- Integrated minor tileset improvements into Richard Domain and Artist maps
- Increase max killed bosses to 117
- Increased max mental changes to 156
- Increased Demon-cracy experience to 75
- Gave mental change count a 0.25 multiplier on Victory Score computation
- Improved balancing of Shadow fight
- Decreased potency of Legs of Sloth 0 Willpower effect to only trigger every 10 steps
- Increased DEF bonus from Defensive Stance II from 10% to 25%
- Increased Reading Proficiency II Reading Speed increase from +1 to +2
- Changed Useless Knowledge so instead of disabling all reading speed increases it reduces them by 50%
- Increased submission gain from Infiltrating Cheerleaders 6 and Tan 1 by 5 each
- Fixed typos
- Fixed shattering idealism crystal causing a freeze if interacting from the left
- Fixed extraction of Fleura logic causing multiple messages to show
- Fixed being able to continue Fleura corruption mission after election is over
- Fixed Paulina capture event triggering when curse got removed
- Fixed incorrect/missing paulina training checks in Lady Charlotte 1
- Fixed missing transparency restoration after Hermann variation of Capture of Trademond
- Fixed version number mismatch in migration script from
- Fixed various minor large sprite issues in forest and vulcanic areas
- Fixed incorrect enemy IDs for Shadow occupying a minion on death
- Fixed crash in James epilogue scenes if never interacted with Drug Dealer
- Fixed Extra Corruption gain from Orgasms from triggering in Earth scenes
- Fixed Shadow being given immortal by mistake
- Fixed Recall not turning off fog and wind skill switches
- Fixed portrait remaining when inserting orbs in Northern Mines
- Fixed carry over skills not being carried over
- Fixed Call of the Shadows minion limit value not differentiating between who won the election
- Fixed Fleura event in Nephlune not taking Demon-cracy status into account for duelist branch
- Fixed wrong choice ID being disabled in maid trainee tea drugging event
- Fixed Invest: Concentration having outdated description
- Fixed Shadow getting Phase Shift
Changelog 0.45.0 (26.07.2024)
- Added Cheerleading Game 4 H-CGs
- Added tan variation character artwork
- Added mental change Evening With Richard
- Added mental change Superiority 3
- Added mental change Demon Queen Question
- Added mental change Tan
- Added scene Tan 1
- Added lewd scene George and Veronica 8
- Added scene George and Veronica 9
- Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 3
- Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 4
- Added scene Social Ranking 6
- Added scene Social Ranking 7
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 9
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 10
- Added scene Patricia Rebelling 2
- Added scene Social Ranking 8
- Added lewd scene Lady Charlotte 3
- Demon-cracy: Added lewd scene Voting Encouragement
- Demon-cracy: Implemented election plan The Seeress
- Demon-cracy: Implemented Adventurer Twins corruption mission
- Demon-cracy: Implemented pure election scene and Liliana win
- Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes
- Demon-cracy: Implemented alternative election outcomes
- Demon-cracy: Implemented Shadow boss fight
- Iterated quest Demon-cracy
- Added Shadow walking graphic
- Integrated map Magic Academy Library Floor
- Added passive Entitlement: Queen’s Privilege
- Added passive Sex Duties Of A Demon Queen II
- Added passive Tired III
- Added passive Lazy III
- Added passive Modeling Proficiency II
- Added passive Rising Star
- Added book “Skillbook: Reading Proficiency II”
- Added book “The Art of Feeding”
- Add migration rule to add Rising Star to Wanting To Be A Model 8
- Switched to Fallen Actor image in Evening With George 2
- Added memory reflecting mirror sprites
- Updated post-Corruption Charlotte state
- Increased max mental changes to 155
- Increased max killed bosses to 115
- Changed Water Skin II HOT area damage negation to scale with MDEF
- Limited MATK gain from Lewd Knowledge to 50% base MATK
- Fixed typos
- Fixed being unable to select A Child Needed after completing The Seeress
- Fixed George and Veronica 9 teleporting to wrong map in recollection room
- Fixed Truthmaker Page being usable, having no price, and missing its enhance event
- Fixed Shadow gold reward not actually giving gold
- Fixed Liliana reward not actually adding gold
- Fixed Hair Highlights infused in Cheerleading Game 4 H-CG
- Fixed Lorraine’s path in Nothing But The Truth pure ending getting her stuck on a wall
- Fixed Belphegor still being able to summon NG+ fragments on turn 0
- Fixed unintended passable tile in poison swamp
- Fixed crash when beating bridge bandits after losing to them at least once
- Fixed gaining Lazy when Beauty Sleep is A Must is not unlocked
- Fixed test teleport for Clockwork Forest
- Fixed vice choice for adventurer twins having a > sign instead of >=
- Fixed Lack of Willpower to Study only triggering for Luck is not a skill
Changelog 0.44.0 (28.06.2024)
- Added Lewd Streaming 7 Part 2 H-CGs
- Added Lewd Streaming 7 Part 1 H-CGs
- Added Tutored By Richard Slutty Bikini H-CG variations
- Added Sex With Richard Slutty Bikini H-CG variations
- Added Rose Breast Enlargement Character Artwork
- Added pixel art uniform for Aura and Rose walking chars
- Added pixel art Luciela Walking Char
- Added mental change Ideal Partner Question
- Added mental change Question Submission
- Added lewd scene Cheerleading Game 4
- Added scene Lunchbreak 10
- Added scene Patricia Rebelling 1
- Added scene George and Veronica 7
- Added scene Fighting Over Richard 1
- Added scene Fighting Over Richard 2
- Added scene Fighting Over Richard 3
- Added scene Fighting Over Richard 4
- Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 5
- Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 6
- Added lewd scene Fighting Over Richard 7
- Added lewd scene Lady Charlotte 2
- Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Black Priestess
- Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting adventurer twins
- Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting slave trader merchant
- Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Fleura
- Demon-cracy: Implemented recruiting Courtesan Queen
- Demon-cracy: Added tracking variable for number of recruited cultists
- Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Opening a Path
- Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Helping the Accused
- Demon-cracy: Implemented electioneering event Special Waitressing
- Demon-cracy: Implemented James event
- Demon-cracy: Implemented Shadow contact
- Demon-cracy: Implemented Black Priestess corruption mission
- Demon-cracy: Implemented merchant corruption mission
- Demon-cracy: Implemented Courtesan Queen corruption mission
- Demon-cracy: Removed hard references to player being intermediate rank
- Demon-cracy: Implement Fleura corruption mission
- Added interaction stub to Liliana
- Modified Demon-cracy courier scene and quest description
- Improved courier event in demon-crazy
- Activated Demon-cracy after defeating Beelzebub in Winterfall
- Added extra line to courier dialogue if player sold Blue Sugar+ formula to underground drug dealer
- Add visual and sound effects to Demon-cracy scenes
- Clarified Liliana support updates
- Improved positioning of shadow minion and Aura in cutscene when entering Nephlune from the Roya map
- Added clarity to missed support increase messages
- Removed Nothing But The Truth evidence from players who have completed the quest
- Implemented separate item categories for evidence and recruitment prospects
- Added passive True Nature: Submissive Hero
- Added passive Consuming Desire
- Added passive Chest Bloom II
- Added passive Sexual Frustration
- Implemented on-the-fly thumbnail rendering of Locations
- Updated George walking char clothing color
- Replaced static Library Club members with dynamically progressing chars
- Changed George for Richard in compatibility flame
- Updated Richard rating tag for Chapter 3
- Registered brothel job in Masturbating Is Not Enough menu
- Added animated pixel tv shows for TV
- Improved chaining of leadup dialogue into actual lewd check in Trademond guards
- Chained reporting bounty hunt to Julian to asking about demon worshippers
- Decrease max mental changes to 151
- Removed corruption gain from Underground Pub Job
- Merged Knowlegde Drain Mental Changes from 2 actions into 1 action
- Fixed typos
- Fixed Rose appearing in Lunchbreak 10
- Fixed using recruitment prospect for black priestess not doing anything
- Fixed Aura portrait not appearing during Fighting Over Richard line
- Demon-cracy: Fixed Aura portrait not disappearing after hiring Alexis with gold
- Fixed Fleura not being recruitable under some circumstances
- Fixed slave trader merchant options all being locked when out of willpower
- Fixed slaver trader merchant appearing in underground city before recruiting her
- Demon-cracy: Fix slave merchant not calling onViceAction
- Fixed visual glitches
- Fixed incorrect Aura battler
- Fixed Belphegor summoning any fragments on NG+
- Fixed negative person quantifiers affecting checks of books and similar by adding a self tag to related checks
- Fixed missing brackets in Aura thoughts
- Demon-cracy: Fixed lingering standing images
- Fixed Fleura not giving recruitment option if player has not learned Pierce I
- Fixed Demon-cracy NPCs erroneously being present in John celebration event
- Fixed recruiting Alexis with Seductive Stance calling wrong common event for recruitment check
- Fixed broken thumbnail positions of locations
- Fixed bunny ears remaining visible when using SK on obstacles
- Fixed Black Priestess giving the wrong increase value for Blessed Water on Nightmare
- Fixed Being Lazy 1 incorrectly activating crystal for event 2
Changelog 0.43.0 (31.05.2024)
- Added H-CGs Hallway Bullying 7
- Added H-CGs Infilitrating Cheerleaders 6
- Added Slutty Bikini Character Art
- Added Pink Highlights Character Art
- Added Alicia pixel artwork
- Added mental change Purpose Question
- Added mental change Pink Highlights
- Added mental change Weakness Hate 2
- Added mental change Corrupt Kindness Orb 2
- Added mental change Insert Assertiveness Orb 2
- Added mental change Superiority II
- Added mental change Slutty Bikini Underwear
- Added lewd scene Late Night Sex With Richard 1
- Added lewd scene Late Night Sex with Richard 2
- Added scene Hanging Out At Richards 2
- Added scene Hanging Out At Richards 3
- Added scene Going To Hair Salon 8
- Added scene Dating Richard 6
- Added scene Social Ranking 1
- Added scene Social Ranking 2
- Added scene Social Ranking 3
- Added scene Laura Rebirth 3
- Added scene Laura Rebirth 4
- Added scene Lewd Streaming 6
- Added scene Dating Richard 7
- Added scene Social Order Ranking 4
- Added scene Social Order Ranking 5
- Added scene Laura Rebirth 5
- Added lewd scene Lewd Streaming 7
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 8
- Added scene Slutty Bikini Underwear 1
- Added lewd scene Lady Charlotte 1
- Added quest stub Demon-cracy
- Added secondary lewd check after losing to toll bandits for blowjob scene
- Added Submission tag to Richard Social Entry
- Improved option description of External Save Directory option
- Added lewd passive Life’s Purpose: Pleasure Seeker
- Added sensitivity/fetish desire passives
- Added Charlotte passive Chest Bloom I
- Added locations to compendium
- Increased max mental changes to 158
- Gave Toll Bandit Leader 1 time per battle use Aphrodisiac Bomb
- Changed Curiosity to give strong WP loss until Desire is developed and extra sensitivity/fetish point even for non-pink version
- Decreased Mantrap HP from 1800 to 1500 and make swamp enemy attack patterns more deterministic
- Improved enemy placement in Persephone Domain
- Fix typos
- Fixed visual glitches in Hanging Out With Richard 3
- Fixed missing Dating Richard 6 recollection crystal
- Fixed invisible Richard in Dating Richard 2
- Moved Ray Social Entry to Refugee Camp Location
- Fixed incorrect Flooded Vault Location unlock in Compendium
- Fixed Mantrap gluttonous trait having no effect
- Fixed vulgar keyword typo
- Fixed interaction between Mantraps and Flash Bomb
- Added missing Winterfall teleport to compendium
- Fixed mapping issues in Mount Firestorm and Richard Domain
- Fixed Richard Attraction Memory not being marked as available mental change
- Fixed incorrect social compendium entries
- Fixed Mountainreach appearing in social compendium before unlocking it
- Fixed mice having same as characters priority
- Fixed Rose Bond not applying when reading a lewd book
Changelog 0.42.3 (17.05.2024)
- Fixed public typos
- Fixed residual hex highlight when cancelling battle submenus
- Fixed skill and item window hit areas being too low down
- Fixed Alchemist lewd choice showing 1 for requirement instead of variable 562
- Fixed being able to read books on the day Rampaging Golem starts
Changelog 0.41.3 (19.04.2024)
- Fixed collar revival causing item seal state to be healed
Changelog 0.41.0-prerelease-3 (15.03.2024)
- Added Paulina Training 1-4 H-CGs
- Added lewd scene Full Service Job 3
- Added lewd scene Full Service Job 4
- Added lewd scene Lord Trademond 1 (High Obedience)
- Added lewd scene Lord Trademond 2 (Low Obedience)
- Added lewd scene Lord Trademond 2 (High Obedience)
- Added quest stub “Poison Swamp”
- Added curriculum poster in Magic Academy base floor
- None
- Fixed typos
- Fixed Evolved Sahaking not displaying pack leader trait
- Fixed Lightning Jam Coating tags not reflecting mat bonus change
- Fixed killed bosses variable going up by 2 instead of 1 in Trademond Tunnel slime battle
- Fixed incorrect condition for lacking Paul dialogue in Crystal Caves Vault
- Fix being unable to read Tenacity II if player previously selected a companion with less than 300 HP in the menu
- Fix Sahagin in troop 245 not having Sluggish trait
- Fix Roland adoration check in Luck Professor debate options working the wrong way round
- Fix Queen Slime small slimes transforming into the wrong enemy ID
- Fix Obedient Maid showing NaN values if the player has not saved yet
Changelog 0.40.0 (23.02.2024)
- Added Maid Training 4 H-CGs
- Added Gyaru Laura Character Artwork
- Added lewd scene Hallway Bullying 6
- Added lewd scene Paulina Training 3
- Added lewd scene Paulina Training 4
- Added scene Laura Rebirth 1
- Added scene Laura Rebirth 2
- Added scene Hallway Bullying 7
- Added scene Sexual Harrassment 3
- Added map Maid Academy Upper Floor
- Added map Richard Domain 2 – Wrath
- Added boss battle Demon General Asmodeus
- Added boss Sathanas reencounter
- Implemented sneak mini puzzle Maid Academy North Wing
- Implemented Maid Academy Graduation
- Improved Magic Academy teachers to only enable options the player can select
- Added minor text extensions to Paulina Training 3 and 4
- Implemented generic logic to handle updating active enhance or stance skills when learning the next rank
- Changed stance and enhance skills activate from the list like autospells without requiring actor selection
- Handle case of killing Sathanas before meeting him at Draknor Fortress
- Implemented gaining more Magic Thread after initial graduation
- Updated Paulina location after Paulina submission
- Updated Hermann wedding based on Paulina submission
- Updated Reverse Summoning Ritual based on Paulina submission
- Updated Paulina Adventurer Guild world state after Graduation / Curse Removal
- Updated Paulina Albrecht Speech world state after Graduation / Curse Removal
- Updated Paulina Hermann Marriage world state after Graduation / Curse Removal
- Updated Paulina Reverse Summoning Ritual world state after Graduation / Curse Removal
- Updated Paulina Hunting a Demon King world state after Graduation / Curse Removal
- Handled case of ending patronage when Paulina returned to being Paul
- Added obstacle in Maid Academy to enter Upper Floor from Hidden Room
- Turned Library 1 Schrödinger’s Cat punishment joke into bullying foreshadowing
- Added special clear state for recollection room crystals indicating that they have been done in the current playthrough
- Removed page up and page down buttons in save menu when using a mobile device
- Increased max killed bosses to 112
- Added perk to destroy minor obstacles with Rampage II to at >= 60 ATK
- Reduced obstacle level for greed chests to 25
- Added Infamy to Paulina corruption decisions
- Added HP cost to Break Bondage skill and make Libidas give MDEF, DEF buffs as well as HP regen
- Gave Lilim+ Tenacity I and have Overpollination give Resistance to Light like Obscurum
- Reduced Lightning Jam Coating MATK boost to +4 and Blessed Lightning Jam Coating MATK boost to +6
- Added +2 ATK to Draconic Scales
- Increased HEAL RATE reduction from POISON from 50% to 75%
- Limited Workshop cost increase on Hard+ to Enhancements
- Reduced MATK boost from CONCENTRATION to 75%
- Fixed typos
- Fixed variant drugs not being usable in John Rising
- Fixed status scene causing a stack overflow with multiple party members
- Fixed z-ordering issues from * tile and event character interactions
- Fixed save menu showing variable IDs instead of values for stats
- Fixed game crash when ExtraWindows plugin is turned off
- Fixed Passion getting Exhausted instead of Animated Robe in troop 447
- Fixed skill text in compendium being able to overlap traits
- Fixed John Rising incense lure not removing drugs
- Fixed viewed scene script lines being in the wrong part of their events
- Fixed battle crash when pressing left on skill list
- Fixed blue crystal appearing instead of white under some circumstances in recollection rooms
- Fixed Lewd Streaming 3 having incorrect variable assignments in recollection room
- Fixed Roland forced quests not leading to lewd scene afterwards
- Fixed infinite lewd scene loop in some circumstances
- Fixed Paulina still being interactable in adventurer guild when invisible
- Fixed duplicate Letter of Recommendation if killing Asmodeus after graduating maid academy
- Fixed missing speaker portraits in intro
- Fixed Jelly Jam not restocking at Verdeaux merchant
- Fixed detection check in Trademond Congregation
- Fixed Aura portrait remaining after Nothing But The Truth evidence check
- Fixed Bondage Fibers remaining after Asmodeus fight
- Fixed remaining minor missing Paulina dialogue variations in Reverse Summoning Ritual
Changelog 0.39.0 (26.01.2023)
- Added Laura character artwork
- Added Paulina Maid character artwork
- Added Maid Training 3 H-CGs
- Added Lewd Streaming 3 H-CGs
- Added lewd scene Maid Training 3
- Added lewd scene Maid Training 4
- Added lewd scene Paulina Training 1
- Added lewd scene Paulina Training 2
- Added scene Homework Project 6
- Added scene Homework Project 7
- Added mental change Corrupt Diligence Orb 2
- Added mental change insert corrupted Deliquence Orb 2
- Added mental change Weakness Hate 1
- Added map Richard’s Domain first level
- Added map Maid Academy North Wing
- Added map Maid Academy Hidden Room
- Added passive “The Strong Stand Above The Weak”
- Implemented new android port
- Set fast-forward on Android to enter SKIP mode
- Implemented NEW marker in item and skill menu
- Move Maid Academy unlock to finding James documents
- Expanded Maid Academy with additional NPCs
- Implemented Womb of Lust completed version and add it upon completing all 4 maid trainings
- Implemented Swap UI for circle navigation #5167 (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Implemented analytics tracking of item spending
- Implemented analytics tracking of gold spending via resource events
- Auto-applied “no backward when moving randomly” behavior to all detectors instead of using tags
- Improved android external saves stability
- Improved parallel execution of android external save file system operations
- Implemented display of loading effect when waiting for external save export/import to finish
- Implemented event Bringing Party to Richard’s Anchor
- Implemented event meeting Richard in Domain Level 1
- Added red fog effect into demonic domains
- Implemented analytics scene
- Implemented Paulina Maid Score
- Added puzzle hints to office for Nothing But The Truth
- Added Luciela hints during trial for Nothing But The Truth
- Changed promise skill learning text for day 1 to say Aura begins training instead of continues
- Improved new marker and make it a toggle option
- Upgraded to RPGMaker 1.8.0
- Increased max mental changes 144
- Reduced Air Bubble I and II MDEF requirements to 40 and 60
- Reduced stats of base Hi-Greed and Hi-Wrath Demon
- Upgraded Acid Bomb x 1 in Mount Firestorm Caves 1 to Acid Bomb+ x 1
- Replaced Acid Bomb x 2 in Mount Firestorm Caves 4 with Stasis Bomb+ x 3
- Fixed typos (Thanks to Kytt)
- Fixed event-based states overriding limited resists
- Fixed incorrect TLB alias in advanced_states
- Fixed android saves disappearing when not restarting when turning off external saves
- Fixed Tenacity not working properly
- Fixed Maid Training 4 giving 25 maid score instead of 30
- Fixed Maid Academy negative energy scene repeating if you leave and come back
- Fixed Delinquency Orb 2 being corruptible in Chapter 2
- Fixed issue with skills and items disappearing in battle lists when scrolling with touch input
- Fixed quests that get added to the log if they are undefined failing after saves
- Fixed New marker show option reverting to true when the game is started
- Fixed wrong Jellyfish being enhanced in Lamia troop
- Fixed Greater Salamander missing an enhancement battle event
- Fixed Hi-Aethon refined nose reveal having the wrong enemy ID
- Fixed Bloodshot Eyes[22] lasting 15 turns
- Fixed bestiary resetting if not skipping intro in NG+
- Fixed skill selection window no longer showing for John Rising
- Fixed Paul’s Soul-Contract not updating name when cursed
- Fixed passable wall in Arwin Cellar
- Fixed cliff passability issue in Winterfall
Changelog 0.38.0 (29.12.2023)
- Added Roland 7-8 H-CGs
- Added Slime Bonding 2-3 H-CGs
- Added character art Veronica
- Added character art Patricia
- Added new Roya Aura standing image lewd expressions
- Implemented quest Nothing But The Truth Trial Segment
- Added area Crystal Caverns: Vault
- Added area Maid Academy Catacombs
- Added mental change removing Injustice Hate 2 and add it as condition for advanced Chapter 2 bullying events
- Added mental change Remove Self-Acknowledgement 3
- Added mental change corrupt Hardworking 2 Orb
- Added mental change implant Influential Orb 2
- Added mental change corrupt Character 2 Orb
- Added mental change implant Appearance 2 Orb
- Added mental change Side Tail
- Added lewd scene Maid Training 1
- Added lewd scene Maid Training 2
- Added lewd scene Cheerleading Game 3
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 2
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 3
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 4
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 5
- Added scene Pretend Dating Richard 1
- Added boss Crystal Ogre
- Added boss Brightmane
- Added boss Spirit Fox
- Added boss Queen Slime
- Added boss Thralled Expert Adventurer
- Added formula Anti-Magic Coating+
- Added formula Acid Bomb+
- Moved Interface options into new Interface Options Category
- Added day to save file info as in mockup (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Added analytics with (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Applied refactoring pass to UI plugins
- Replaced Status Window Equipment Area with Auto/Enhance/Stat Window (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Implemented support for yOffset in standing images plugin
- Gave most characters except Richard a minor yOffset for better relative sizes
- Implemented yOffset turning to 0 for Aura when obtaining heels
- Implemented passive Obedient Maid x X
- Implemented plugin for conditional (battle) bgm
- Implemented Pressing <- and -> buttons to navigate through circle sub menus (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Implemented Eyes of Greed Lock mode in Shop Menu (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Configured rules to play different BGMs when being ambushed or doing an ambush
- Moved Injustice Hate 2 to trigger cheating on george 3
- Added pom-poms to pixel sprites during Cheerleading Game scenes
- Implemented Autosave Options Submenu (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Integrated Knight’s Stride BGM
- Implemented option to kill Roland during Reverse Summoning Ritual
- Updated world state after Roland death
- Increased max killed bosses to 111
- Increased max mental changes to 141
- Adapted Roland Popularity changes so that doing all negative changes makes it <50
- Increased blessed water effectiveness in Story/Explorer difficulties (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Fixed typos
- Fixed missing sex variable increases in Cheerleading Game 3
- Fixed incorrect recollection variable for Wanting To Be A Model 4
- Fixed James base form not getting skill to use corrupted humanitas rune
- Fixed possibility to softlock by inserting injustice hate 2 removal before Popularity III
- Fixed Wanting To Be a Model 2 triggering in Chapter 2
- Fixed incompatibility of save menu plugin with encryption
- Fixed conditional bgms not being protected
- Fixed incorrect direction variable name in checkEventTriggerThere
- Fixed richard bond vice boost not working sometimes
- Fixed George Bond resetting on a day multiple of 5 regardless of when last cheating action was
- Fixed recollection room glitches #5173
- Fixed map hud being under general options
- Fixed trait errors in Armor*2+Passion troop
- Fixed Dark Queen Slime missing num tag and compendium entry
- Fixed Thrall Expert Adventurer missing fire weakness
- Fixed Thunderbolt III cost being the same as rank II
- Fixed Tap to Confirm option being in General Category
- Fixed chase events on develop again without breaking doors
- Fixed workshop enhance item does not end day on explorer
- Added post-recess intro that factors in the “Back Down” option into Nothing But The Truth
- Fixed Autosaving on menu exit when that isn’t selected
Changelog 0.37.0a (26.11.2023)[B]
[/B]- Implemented utility plugin to call map events like common events
- Moved daily quest progress update before lewd check and promise check simply logic and avoid edge cases
- None
- Fixed config options except external save plugin getting discarded on new start
- Fixed caroline scene triggering too early
- Fixed Nothing But The Truth: blackmailing Marie locking out all choices
- Fixed incorrect viewing direction of Claude when triggering enlistement from the side
- Fixed servants not turning towards player when talking to them first time
- Fixed missing used collar check at Richard’s Barrier
- Fixed modifiers gained in Cheating on George 3 applying in recollection mode
- Fixed Entertainment Mage Prostitution Contract requiring to pass invisible lewdness check
- Fixed John being able to learn vice skills
- Fixed missing no summons requirement for dueling Francis
- Fixed standing image remaining after declining Slime Bonding Ritual 3
- Fixed off-by-one in blessed water restock
- Fixed 40 instead of 100 MP being spent when absording Beelzebub’s mana spot
Changelog 0.36.0 (27.10.2023)
- Added Roland 6 H-CGs
- Added Elizabeth character artwork
- Added boss fight Roland
- Added Souldust Mage spells
- Added meeting Claire after Second Divine Gate
- Added quest Labyrinth of Happiness
- Added Cheerleading Club labyrinth room happiness content
- Added Library Club labyrinth room happiness content
- Added map labyrinth of memories part leading to Dolus
- Added boss fight dolus and claire parallel battle
- Added after parallel battle scene Alicia side
- Added after parallel battle scene aura side
- Added boss fight Clairedolus
- Added post Clairedolus battle scene
- Updated world state to post reverse summoning ritual
- Updated Compendium to end of Chapter 2 state
- Added Alicia memories on Heavenly Path 4
- Added scene for Alicia temporarily regaining her memories
- Added scene Dolus and Claire discussing progress of Aura and Alicia and taking action
- Added scene Claire and Dolus confronting Alicia
- Refactored and unified vice event logic into a tag based common event analogous to the lewd logic
- Added item Slime Armor Coating at workshop level 7
- Added item Liquify Metal Coating at workshop level 8
- Added intermdiate step to provide ingredients for creating new artifacts at Artifact Workshop
- Added item “Coating Enhancer” at artifact workshop level 2
- Added item “Reaction Booster” at artifact workshop level 3
- Added item “Bomb Enhancer+” at artifact workshop level 4
- Added skill Star Shine II
- Added class True Hero
- Added skill Open Domain III
- Configured Nightmare Sorceress class
- Added a “-deluxe” suffix to the version for deluxe version
- Set default option for Dash to true, may need to tweak tutorial dialogue to say press shift to move slowly instead of dash
- Improved audio options to use 10 step increments instead of 20
- Increased max killed bosses to 106
- Increased Souldust of human encounters to 1 per enemy
- Increased corruption gain for absorbing souls to 2
- Moved Poison Coating Formula to Workshop level 6
- Replaced Draknor Fortress Exorcist drop of Blessed Water x 3 with Blessed Water+ x 1
- Changed Magic Enhancer price to 5 Ether but only 3000 Gold
- Added Tenacity X to Clairedolus and slightly increased stats
- Moved John Rising to Intermediate Adventurer Rank
- Removed LUCK boosting effect from Star Shine
- Fixed typos
- Fixed new version map reloading resetting events during cutscenes
- Fixed class name in menus overlapping level text
- Fixed passabilities in library club map
- Fixed switching between Aura and Alicia breaking if HUD is turned off
- Fixed incorrect walking speed and stepping animation after completing reverse summoning ritual
- Fixed companion stats breaking when using Star Shine II + Star Knightess
- Fixed auto-sk not triggering when fighting clairedolus
- Fixed aura and slime having items sealed after returning from memory world
- Fixed mixups in resistance granting effect from souldust mage
- Fixed passability issues
- Fixed Aura having access to Recall skill during Labrying of Happiness
- Fixed crash in quest format detail
- Fixed incorrect variable check in post-lysander battle dialogue
- Fixed Collar Removal not being reenabled after parallel battle
- Fixed empty array crashes for crafting and blessing items
- Fixed incorrect restock bar fill in Black Priestess shop
- Fixed Paul(ina) turning into Desmond during Star Shine II scene
- Fixed Stasis Bomb messing up Clemence’s attack pattern
- Fixed Hermann date 2 giving 1 fewer Corruption than it should
- Fixed 1 Corruption gain from non-lewd Underground Pub job
- Fixed Clairedolus boss defeat not being added to compendium
- Fixed Luciela being able to use drugs
- Fixed actors learning lower-ranked skills on level up if learnable by their class
- Fixed bunny ears cutting off in shops
- Fixed inability to learn Peaceful Mind I if Emerald Tea+ unlocked
Changelog 0.35.0 (29.09.2023)
- Added Cheating on George 3 H-CGs
- Added Rose Seduced by Richard Gyaru Cheerleader H-CG variations
- Added elemental Slime character art
- Added Roland 5 H-CGs
- Added scene Cheating On George 1
- Added scene Cheating On George 2
- Added scene Cheating On George 3
- Added scene Lewd Streaming 3
- Added mental change remove Guardian George
- Added mental changes for Richard Disposition Switch
- Added mental change remove self acknowledgement 2 happiness
- Added map Karaoke room in Night Club
- Added map Heavenly Path 2
- Added maps Secret Lair and Hidden Room
- Added scene Meeting Goddess At First Divine Gate
- Added second Misfortune boss battle
- Added boss fight Lysander
- Added Richard Bond passive skill
- Added Rose Bond passive skill
- Added George Bond passive skill
- Added Alicia Bond passive skill
- Added quest “Poisoned Elixirs”
- Added quest “Something is Fishy”
- Added BGM Corruption
- Improved stat formatting for DEF book
- Implemented plugin for event skill selection window analog to event item selection
- Employing new costume bless menu for White Priestess
- Moved standing image to right side for Maleficum in Low-Demon Domain in Eastern Forest
- Moved standing image to right side for star metal at Draknor Fortress Cave
- Improved poison damage layout in Eastern Forest Demon Domain
- Increased number of birds in Hermit map
- Added sound effect when performing a craft action
- Improved animation for slime by playing current element animation when summoning
- Updated Rose sprite in mental world after outfit change
- Removed George from relationships after Cheating on George 3
- Improved teleporters between Darknor Floor 1 and Floor 2
- Moved standing portrait for underwater plant in Nephlune Vault to the right side
- Moved error reporting plugin into first plugin position
- Improved error logging by hard coding error logging into the rpgmaker main file
- Increased max killed bosses to 104
- Increased max vice to 24
- Increased max mental changes to 133
- Increased duration of tactical advantage gain from Shadowcloak II to last for 2 turns
- Increased value of plating materials to 3x the base value + 10%
- Fixed typos
- Fixed character graphics not matching costume
- Fixed position of standing image when interacting with corpse in forest of runes
- Fixed formatting of gold at northern forest of runes skeleton
- Fixed position of standing image when interacting with rope in refugee camp caves
- Fixed incorrrect priority of cave-in investigation point in northern mines
- Fixed missing reset for standing image side variable after meeting with adventurers for preparing for festival day
- Fixed various minor formatting errors
- Fixed color formatting for gold loot in southern forest of runes
- Fixed color formatting for gold loot in various maps
- Fixed missing minimum gold check for bribing guard in Papertrail quest
- Fixed color formatting for gold loot in southern forest of runes
- Fixed RuinedChurch map and tilesets
- Fixed Slime portrait inconsistency
- Fixed shadow mapping issue in Eastern Forest of Runes Cave
- Fixed passability of two-tile plants in Eastern Forest of Runes
- Fixed passability issue in Northern Mountains Cave
- Fixed incorrect cancel handling in advanced techniques of nephlune spellshop
- Fixed bless sound effect not being deployed
- Fixed incorrect standing image side for vines at beginning of northern mountains
- Fixed Bless Item skill using Gold cost instead of MP cost
- Fixed passability issue in Draknor Fortress
- Fixed Tofana’s Third Theorem option being available at Elixir Alchemist after distracting Roland
- Fixed work report option being locked out when lewdness exceeds check value
- Fixed cursed message repeatedly appearing in Underwater map when at 0 Air
- Fixed reviving underwater at 0 air after battle but not reviving after ascending
- Fixed incorrect blend mode for draknor fortress smoke when leaving Mira’s barrier
- Fixed shake effect from temporary switch when entering some domains like Lilim’s after destroying another domain
- Fixed crash when loading a save at the abandoned shrine lewd choice
- Fixed corruption gain after having sex with Richard
- Fixed incorrect teleport point for Elixir Alchemist
- Fixed Elixir Alchemist incorrect cancel behavior
- Fixed issues in Cheating on George 3
- Fixed remaining queued move events in Hooking Up Elizabeth 4
- Fixed Nasty Oil Coating listed as craftable after Nasty Oil Coating+ becomes available
- Fixed Verdeaux passability bug at Knight Barracks
Changelog 0.34.0 (25.08.2023)
- Added Wearing Richards Ring H-CGs
- Added Soap Job 1 + 2 H-CGs
- Added lewd scene Rose Seduced by Richard 8
- Added lewd scene Lewd Streaming 2
- Added scene Infiltrating Cheerleaders 4
- Added scene Hooking up Elizabeth 3
- Added scene Hooking Up Elizabeth 4
- Added scene Tutored By Richard 4
- Added scene Lewd Streaming 1
- Added mental change Install Lewd Streaming
- Added map Heavenly Path 1
- Added boss Gluttoney & Envy Demon Generals
- Added boss Fire-Duelist Lara
- Added boss Knight-Duelist Francis
- Added boss Misfortune
- Added boss fight Darry & Barry+
- Implemented custom Bless Menu
- Implemented custom Crafting Menu
- Implemented option to gift companions books
- Implemented option to gift companion consumeable items
- Remapped Entertainment Den map
- Implemented scene Start Reverse Ritual Summon
- Implemented remaining rescuable prisoners
- Implemented finishing quest City of Envy and Gluttony
- Implemented Eligoss, Balor and Astaroth gluttony absorption
- Implemented state update in Winterfall after defeating demon generals
- Gave Hi-Demon Beelzebub damage skill scaling on number of Cursed Gourmet Meat
- Enabled souldust based respawn on death during reverse summoning ritual
- Added companion book progress to update messages
- Increased max killed bosses to 102
- Increased max mental changes to 128
- Increased number of obtained ropes from stealing to 5
- Gave Brittle II auto skill ability
- Removed -4 DEF debuff from Platform Heel Transformation and make knowing Seductive Stance II negate the AGI debuff
- Fixed typos
- Fixed SAVE and RESTORE costume common events not being capable of handling nested costume changes
- Fixed not being able to perform item locked actions because of Blessed, +, etc modifiers
- Fixed bomb areas that don’t use the obstacle choices plugin
- Fixed Elite Soldier Raging on attack
- Fixed wrong enemies being enhanced in second Barry and Darry fight
- Fixed incorrect companion names being shown when gifting books
- Fixed companions being unable to read Reading Proficiency book
- Fixed Paul(ina)’s gift option being in a different choice index to the others
- Fixed missing encounter check for sending to docks for male inn prisoners in rooms
- Fixed missing crystal mines teleport functionality
- Fixed James using contract after slaying Leviathan
- Fixed issue with reading books
- Fixed vitality potion event in Nephlune Underground
- Fixed Hooking Up Elizabeth 4 not getting unlocked in clear room
- Fixed lewd events with doubled stat increases
- Fixed wounded adventurer looping and crashing the game
- Fixed book crash issues
- Fixed incorrect speaker when arriving at Northern Mines
- Fixed duplicate quest objective in Luck Professor vice option
- Fixed broken rope and chain tiles in festival tileset
- Fixed teaching lewdness to First Mate’s wife not resetting Womb of Lust
- Fixed wrong stat shown in First Mate wife choice and no non-lewdness leave option
- Fixed dynamically-generated text not being added to the Backlog
- Fixed incorrect vice increase variable in Rampaging Golem event
- Fixed incorrect Bonding with Slime scene number in recollection crystal
- Fixed dialogue about open domain spell being displayed even when Open Domain I is not known
Changelog 0.33.0 (28.07.2023)
- Integrated updated John character artwork
- Integrated updated Desmond character artwork
- Added H-CGs for Full Service Job 1
- Added H-CGs for Full Service Job 2
- Added lewd scene Slime Bonding 2
- Added lewd scene Slime Bonding 3
- Added scene Rose Infiltrating Cheerleaders 3
- Added scene Going To Hair Salon 6
- Added scene Going To Hair Salon 7
- Added scene Night Club 5
- Added memory First Place At National Exams
- Added mental change change interactions with richard in first place with national exams memory
- Added quest “Entertainment Magic”
- Added slime summoner club NPCs
- Added Astaroth Domain
- Added Eligos Domain
- Added Balor Domain
- Added boss demon Astaroth
- Added boss demon Eligos
- Added boss demon Balor
- Added map stubs for Entertainment Den
- Added missing Pacify II skill to Magic Academy and option to learn Pacify I
- Added skill Summon Slime II
- Added skill Morph: Earth
- Added skills Bonding II and III
- Created tag or special random move command for enemies with random movement that prohibits moving backwards except if necessary
- Implemented duplicate Attack skills for non-dark element attacks
- Implemented objective to talk to party about Reverse Summoning Ritual
- Added some of the remaining rescueable prisoners
- Major refactoring of book events
- Increased max mental changes to 127
- Increased max defeated bosses to 97
- Equiped Hunger fragment with Primal Hunger skill
- Increase Congregation Vice chest to 3000 Gold
- Removed corruption gain from taking keys for vice chests
- Increased vice chest reward in Lord Nephlune mansion to 4000 Gold
- Increased ATK check for Nephlune Vice chest to 45 ATK
- Reduced required Trust for learning Shadowcloak I and Horror I to 50
- Reduced Ogre King HP by 500
- Reduced Corruption gain from Maleficum back to 2
- Fixed typos
- Fixed various glitches in First Sex With George Memory
- Added migration rule to gain Feed skill
- Fixed broken slay demon objective in Winterfall quest
- Fixed slime bonding 2 being called in slime bonding 3 recollection entry
- Fixed incorrect level check to start Bonding 3
- Fixed Summon Slime II MP cost being the same as rank I
- Fixed Skillbook: Bomb Proficiency II using The Art of Tremor’s progress variable
- Fixed crash when Copy Resistances is used by Slime is in party
- Fixed Tongue of Envy disabling non-lewd martials at non-zero willpower
- Fixed incorrect jump move in Eligos domain
- Fixed incorrect characters displayed in Congregation after Rampaging Golem quest
- Fixed White Priestess Bless removing Cursed Gourmet Meat
- Fixed Balor resistance and stat reversion not working
- Fixed number popup on “Leave” option in cheat console
- Fixed map passability errors
- Fixed Medium Thunder Slime learning Thunderbolt I again on level 10 instead of Thunderbolt II
- Fixed Roland telling Aura to strip in roland3
- Fixed Small Slime powering up twice at 25% HP
- Fixed George portrait not appearing during going_to_hair_salon scene
- Fixed not being able to save Lord Winterfall
- Fixed persistent state icons always appearing on Aura
Changelog 0.32.0-Prerelease 1-4 (23.06.2023)
- Added map Winterfall Church Interior
- Added map Winterfall Congregation Interior
- Added map Winterfall Inn
- Added winterfall caves encounters and loot
- Changed prostitute hairstyle to Open hair style
- Added sample prisoners to save
- Implemented option to poison demon worshipper food
- Added curse Tongue of Envy
- Appied improvements to Roland belt position in CGs
- Increased max killed bosses to 92
- Added Prostitute costume
- Added mental change “Corrupt First Sex With George Memory”
- Added scene “Unsexy Times With George 3”
- Added scene “Aura Streaming 2”
- Applied skill list skin from the Skills menu to the NG+ skill selection menu
- Removed animation wait delay in AoE attacks
- Added Loveley Degredation lewd soundtrack
- Increased max mental changes to 125
- Added scene Night Club 4
- Added quest stub “City of Envy and Gluttony”
- Added map Winterfall City
- Added map Winterfall Caves
- Added curse Stomach of Gluttony
- Added boss Demonic Knightess of Envy
- Improved battle flow
- Increased max killed bosses to 90
- Added mental change “Reduce Sexual Compatibility George 1”
- Added mental change “Reduce Sexual Compatibility George 2”
- Added scene “Tutored By Richard 2”
- Added scene “Tutored By Richard 3”
- Added scene “Attending Classes 4”
- Added scene “Wearing Richards Ring 1”
- Added scene “Wearing Richard’s Ring 2”
- Added scene “Wearing Richard’s Ring 3”
- Added scene “Wearing Richard’s Ring 4”
- Added scene “Unsexy Times With George 1”
- Added scene “Unsexy Times With George 2”
- Increased max mental changes to 124
- Increased price of Emerald Leaf to 135 Gold
- Increased gold loot for Winterfall corpses
- Changed Blessed Water to increase in Value instead of Price
- Give POISON ability to negate 50% healing
- Increased HP of Dragon Firestorm to 12000
- Increased POISON duration for Poison Coating to 4
- Increased POISON duration for Blessed Poison Coating to 6
- Fixed typos
- Fixed 4-line willpower tutorial message
- Fixed Fulfillment+ having same effect as Fulfillment
- Fixed incorrect interests book check in Estrangement Drain
- Fixed Duel state not reapplying with using Remove Collar in Intermediate Adventurer duel
- Fixed Slime Summoner not having boss collapse effect
- Fixed typo in Sick Workers quest objective
- Fixed typos in prerelease content
- Fixed crash when using multi attacks
- Fixed Night Club 4 not getting unlocked in Recollection Room
- Fixed George standing image not disappearing after he goes home in Unsexy Times with George 2
- Fixed typos in prerelease content
- Fixed corpse glitch
- Fixed wrongful chase trigger in Winterfall
- Fixed George standing image glitch in Night Club 4
- Fixed missplaced lower rope event
- Fixed resists not working against states of the same category
- Fixed water passability in Winterfall caves
- Fixed Rose character sprite in scenes not changing to gyaru sprite
- Fixed missing adult options read in Unsexy Times With George
Changelog 0.31.0 (26.05.2023)
- Added Special Study I H-CGs
- Added Special Study II H-CGs
- Added Special Study III H-CGs
- Added Roland 1/2 H-CGs
- Added Masturbating 4 and 7 H-CGs
- Added Paul and Paulina character artworks
- Added IRL blonde Aura artworks
- Added lewd scene “Roland 3”
- Added lewd scene “Roland 4”
- Added lewd scene “Roland 5”
- Added lewd scene “Roland 6”
- Added lewd scene “Roland 7”
- Added lewd scene “Roland 8”
- Added mental change “Improve memory of Alicia and Aura reunion”
- Added mental change Insert Alicia into Evening Relationship
- Added mental change Socializing 3
- Added mental change Blonde Hair
- Added scene “Veronica and George 1”
- Added scene “Veronica and George 2”
- Added scene “Night Club 1”
- Added scene “Night Club 2”
- Added scene “Night Club 3”
- Added scene “Going To Hair Salon 5”
- Added repeat Night Club event based on progression of main Night Club event line
- Added quest “Luck Is Also A Skill”
- Added dungeon Mount Firestorm Caves 3
- Added dungeon Mount Firestorm Caves 4
- Added boss Phoenix
- Added super boss Dragon Firestorm
- Added boss Thunder-Duelist Rene
- Added debuff Tired
- Added item Hyperreaction Drug
- Added item Formula: Hyperreaction Drug+
- Supported elemental drain type resistance
- Simplified Happiness room mental changes
- Refactord handling of on-day start lewd action
- Applied promise training refactoring for magic academy to other skills
- Made disclaimer skip work with touch input
- Show objective update for every freed abductee in Price of Freedom
- Registered new Roland events in Masturbation Is Not Enough start
- Added Remove Collar option to cheat Jump Points
- Added passive Turned On By Committing Evil
- Added fangirl reactions when progressing Roland
- Added afterimage effect when using Step of the rat on-map
- Added CG markers for Special Study Roland scenes
- Added CG markers for Roland 1/2
- Increased max Vice to 20
- Increased max mental changes to 122
- Increased max defeated bosses to 89
- Gave Pyroflower, Greater Salamander, Waterspirit and Hi-Aethon drain resistance
- Added +1 Alicia Relationship to Doubting Rose 2
- Added +1 Alicia Relation to Evening Chat 2 and set minimum for Going Home to -55
- Disabled heat damage in Auto-Skill Turn 0
- Changed extra willpower malus from Evil Can Be Good to apply to Low Vice actions instead of High Vice Actions
- Auto-applied Masturbation Is Not Enough after experiencing sex for the first time
- Reduced Corruption costs of Temperance orb by 1 per orgasm (Min .1)
- Reduced Corruption reduction for Selflessness orb past by 1 per 1 Vice past 10 Vice
- Reduced Corruption reduction for Diligence orb past by 1 per 1 Vice past 5 Vice
- Fixed typos
- Fixed inaccessible event page in injustice drain
- Fixed incorrect speaker during infiltrating cheerleaders makeover
- Fixed Seductive Stance issue
- Fixed that saving during a scene and then loading said save restores the script to the point after making the save
- Fixed happiness room issues
- Fixed self switch mismatch in self-acknowledgement generator
- Fixed missing switches for Roland scenes
- Fixed black screen while accessing backlog on Android
- Fixed missing closing brackets in recollection character restoration
- Fixed missing BGS fadeout in Roland 8
- Fixed incorrect data used in certain obstacle choices
- Fixed HUD battlers not updating after unsummoning Slime
- Fixed incorrect flavour on sack in northern mines area 4
- Fixed noTeleport flag not resetting if Arwin’s maid still has luck book
v0.30.0 (28.04.2023)
- Added Homewrecking 3 H-CGs
- Added Charlotte character artwork
- Added dungeon Mount Firestorm Caves 1
- Added map Main Cathedral
- Added quest stub “Reverse Summoning Ritual”
- Added scene “Vulgar Language 1”
- Added scene “George Nickname 1”
- Added scene “Hallway Bullying 5”
- Added scene “Library Club 9”
- Added scene “Homework Project 5”
- Added scene “Rose Infiltrating Cheerleading Club 1”
- Added scene “Rose Infiltrating Cheerleaders 2”
- Added scene “Bad Guys Meetup 3”
- Added scene “Aura Masturbating 5”
- Added scene “Aura Masturbating 6”
- Added scene “Aura Masturbating 7”
- Added mental change Orgasm Afterglow
- Added mental changes George relationship lever
- Added mental change language “Derogatory George Nickname”
- Added mental change lewd control crystal
- Added mental change Perverted Fulfillment+
- Added boss Hi-Aethon
- Added item Stasis Bomb+
- Added item Emerald Tea+
- Added item Vitality Potion+
- Added items Elixir of Power, Elixir of Magic, Elixir of Speed
- Added book “An Advanced Guide To Focusing Your Mind”
- Added book “Encyclopedia Alchemica Volume II”
- Added book “Holding Your Breath”
- Added lewd book “Master Class Techniques To Make A Male Cum”
- Added skill Shadowcloak II
- Added skill Bless II and Blessed versions of Coatings and Drugs
- Added Ex-Knight-Commander Lorraine
- Added Verdeaux Book Cafe Pastries & Books
- Added Verdeaux Verdeaux Elixir Alchemist
- Added Luck Professor NPC stubs
- Added event meeting with Arch-Cardinal and Gabriel
- Added Verdeaux shrine
- Added variation for meeting Roland after starting Reverse Summoning Ritual
- Added Gabriel post-meeting dialogue
- Added Dolus post-meeting dialogue
- Added minor Main Cathedral NPCs and flavor books
- Added end of content point at party discussion
- Added difficulty modes Explorer, Renamed Hard to Nightmare, and add easier Hard mode
- Moved Lumerian Bread to Book Cafe and change Bread Merchant to a Material Merchant
- Improved side-ways stairs to be more mouse and mobile friendly
- Improved wildlife
- Improved Ladder behavior for events such as evented ropes
- Improved Color of HP/MP/WP text in the main menu
- Renamed header for Special/Magic/Martial from “Skill” to “Special/Magic/Martial”
- Added option to directly enter Mount Firestorm when possible
- Added paper doll plugin to layer pixel art parts for actors
- Refactord wildlife additions using TemplateEvent plugin
- Increased max killed bosses to 86
- Increased max mental changes to 122
- Added Eyes Of Greed (Incomplete) and add option to Remove Collar when rescuing Abductees
- Moved The Art of Tremor book to Verdeaux Bookstore
- Exchanged Greater Salamander lava restriction for greater lava area
- Increased price of Magic Enhancer from 2500 to 4000 Gold
- Increased MDEF of Cockatrice and Willpower reduction of Mind Gaze
- Decreased Slime natural DEF to MDEF curve and and reduce initial HP by 5
- Increased Slimes summoning cost increase per feeding by 1 per feed to 2 per feed
- Auto-unlocked blocking mental changes like computer and spiderweb when their condition is satisfied
- Decreased luck factor increase to 2.5% per luck
- Increased John DEF gain from paying him to learn Slash from 3 to 5
- Fixed typos
- Fixed migrator not applying to previous saves
- Fixed Perverted Fulfillment+ text not displaying properly in instincts room
- Fixed incorrect Aura position in Next Super Model scene
- Fixed Aura RL costume not restoring after sex/masturbation scenes
- Fixed summoned slimes not having boss collapse type
- Fixed missing export protection rules for Rose assets
- Fixed passability error in Main Cathedral
- Fixed repeated music reset in Arwin Domain 1
- Fixed John Rising crash in official release
- Fixed Show Rose Naked sprite using outdated paths
- Fixed John not being able to use taught spells
- Fixed movement issue in first underground pub cutscene
- Fixed Poisoned Blade applying Poison with 100% chance
- Fixed incorrect enemy ID in enemy Summon Fire Slime
- Fixed being able to view Tutored by George 3 before Tests are Out 6
- Fixed missing bust change in cheerleader infiltration scene
- Fixed incorrect template map ID for wildlife
- Fixed template event override settings
- Fixed item names overlapping quantity in buy/sell confirm window
- Fixed overlapping usage of temp variables in Barracks
- Fixed doubled Blessed Water price applying to hew Hard mode
v0.29.0 (31.03.2023)
- Added Homewrecking 2 H-CGs
- Added dungeon “Forest of Runes: Far Eastern Caves”
- Added dungeon “Mount Firestorm Entrance”
- Added scene “Gossip About George 3”
- Added scene “Tutored By George 2”
- Added scene “Tutored By George 3”
- Added scene “Dating George 3”
- Added scene Cheerleading Practice 8
- Added scene “Wanting to Be A Model 1”
- Added scene “Tests Are Out 6”
- Added scene “Richard Tutoring Aura 1”
- Added scene “George and Rose Meetup 2”
- Added scene “Hooking Up Elizabeth 1”
- Added scene “Hooking Up Elizabeth 2”
- Added scene “Streaming 1”
- Added memory “George Confession”
- Added mental change “Accepted Confession out of Pity”
- Added mental change Dreamjob Model
- Added Brothel
- Added Erotic Bookstore
- Added Artifact Workshop
- Added quest “Journey Of A Hero”
- Added quest stub “Duelists of Verdeaux”
- Added boss fight Mature Spider Queen
- Added boss fight Medium Earth Slime + Medium Thunder Slime
- Added boss fight Behemoth
- Added boss fight Greater Salamander
- Added boss fight Cockatrice
- Added item “Blessed Water+”
- Added lewd scene Soap Job 1
- Added lewd scene Soap Job 2
- Added lewd scene Full Service Job 1
- Added lewd scene Full Service Job 2
- Added lewd book “The Art of Lewd Horror”
- Added lewd book “101 Prostitution Tips”
- Added lewd book “How To Use Your Female Charms Defensively”
- Added lewd knowledge trainer to Erotic Bookstore
- Added lewd skill trainer to brothel
- Added skill Flashing Crotch Kick II
- Added skill Seductive Stance II
- Added skill “Fast Items Stance I”
- Added skill “Divine Guard I”
- Added skill “Peaceful Mind I”
- Added artifact Orb of Light
- Added artifact Orb of Air
- Added artifact Magic Enhancer
- Added Clemence duel
- Added option to learn Fast Item Stance I from duelist
- Added item Lumerian Bread
- Updated shop menu to include number of owned items column
- Implemented Nephlune White Priestess founding Church
- Gave Mana Skin II ability to negate minor damage from HOT areas
- Added prototypes for cosmetic fish, dog and cat sprites in major cities
- Added prototypes for cosmetic wildlife to first three Forest of Runes areas
- Expanded Verdeaux with various minor NPCs
- Reduced copy & paste in flavor events #3497
- Restructured menu image folders
- Refactoring pass of all active plugins
- Updated Homewrecking 2 CGs with fixes
- Improved pixel positioning of various cosmetic events
- Increased max killded bosses to 84
- Increased max mental changes to 118
- Fixed typos
- Fixed missing money return for accepting Special Study after enrollment
- Fixed fog not getting removed after defeating Behemoth
- Fixed incorrect plugin command for registering boss kill at Behemoth
- Fixed broken mineable Ether in Far Eastern Caves
- Fixed missing boss counts for Belphegor/Luciela/Phantom Lord
- Fixed mapping glitches in Far Eastern Caves
- Fixed missing shadows in Far Eastern Caves
- Fixed Clemence passability after defeat in duel
- Fixed The Art Of Lewd Horror unlocking incorrect scene
- Fixed incorrect replay of Homewrecking 3 if Homewrecking has not been done yet
- Fixed incorrect standing image costume for Alicia in Cheerleading Practice 8
- Fixed World Map teleport point of Far Eastern Forest Of Runes
- Fixed various glitches due to missing logic elements on Diving/Ascending
- Fixed repeated Alicia dialogue in corrupted confession memory
- Fixed impassable vines in refugee caves stairway
- Fixed chronicle fragments showing incorrect numbers
- Fixed music note balloon showing on wrong event when selling Star Metal to Verdeaux tinkerer
- Fixed scrolling battle windows issue introduced by last fix
- Fixed Remove Collar negating command restrictions in duels
- Fixed luck effect applying to debuffs incorrectly
- Fixed Streaming 1 triggering if Happiness Room has not been opened
- Fixed missing bridge flag controls on ropes in Mount Firestrom
- Fixed passability issues in Mount Firestorm
- Fixed starting new game with intro skip setting incorrect facet for Aura
Changelog 0.28.2 (10.03.2023)
- None
- None
- Fixed typos
- Fixed switch initialization in tavern happening after chinchirorin trigger check
- Fixed various 4-line dialogue boxes
- Fixed inconsistent vulgarity in Bonding with Slime scene
- Fixed Alicia not walking to trash can
Changelog 0.27.2(10.02.2023)
- Added H-CG marker to Rose recollection entry
- Improved message for going west/east of Draknor Fortress
- None
- Fixed typos
- Fixed quest marker for Save The Crops still appearing pre-Festival
- Added missing Masturbation tag to Formula Peddler 2
- Fixed lack of priority speed on Flashbomb type items
- Fixed skipping of mental world day if corruption < 4 at end of Festival
Changelog 0.27.0 (27.01.2023)
- Added Bunny Suit Loving Magistrate 1 H-CGs
- Added Bunny Suit Loving Magistrate 2 H-CGs
- Added Rose Seduced By Richard H-CGs
- Added additional creampie layers into John Sex CGs
- Added mental change Celebrities II
- Added mental change Popularity III
- Added mental change corrupt Hardworking Orb I
- Added mental change corrupt Character Orb 1
- Added mental change corrupt Kindness Orb 1
- Added mental change Platform High-Heels
- Added mental change “Empty Library Club Memory”
- Added scene Aura Hating Books 1
- Added scene Aura Hating Books 2
- Added scene Aura Hating Books 3
- Added scene Gossip About George 1
- Added scene Gossip About George 2
- Added scene Cheerleading Practice 7
- Added scene Hallway Bullying 4
- Added scene Exploiting Gofers 3
- Added scene “Aura Wearing Heels 2”
- Added scene “Aura Wearing Heels 3”
- Added scene “Aura Wearing Heels 4”
- Added scene “Being Into The Next Super Model 4”
- Added passives “Can’t Remember Ever Enjoying Reading I – III”
- Added passive “#fuckreading”
- Added passive “Transformation: Platform Heels”
- Added scene “Aura boots transforming to high-heels in Roya”
- Added quest “The Disbanded Crew”
- Added map Nephlune Underwater Dungeon
- Added map Sailor Quarters
- Added map First Mate’s House
- Added items Bloodshot Eyes+ and formula
- Added Charlotte learning Fire II at level 5 and teaching at level 6
- Logged and cleared enemies from compendium during intro
- Integrated plugin fixing * passabilities being ignored
- Implemented chinchirorin minigame
- Added corruption/lewdness/vice display to map when playing as Alicia
- Made back button for enemy/item/skill windows in battle more responsive when hovered
- Improved performance when having many items
- Updated battle HUD visuals for better visibility
- Implemented visual marker for rooms with mental changes
- Improved frame rate in battle scene
- Improved visibility of version number on title screen
- Removed double tap on mobile and added option for reenabling
- Implemented controller icons
- Improved wording of Womb of Lust
- Removed Popularity I cobweb mental change
- Increased max killed bosses to 70
- Increased max mental changes to 115
- Decreased addiction of Bloodshot Eyes to 1 and reduce price
- Added second Gourmet Meat to Sahaking drop
- Fixed typos
- Added keys with missing string conversions to the code-to-string list
- Fixed message box flicker
- Fixed turn sync issue for buff duration display
- Fixed extra windows background remaining for too long
- Fixed turn durations on indefinite states
- Fixed hex buttons for touch input/Android
- Fixed broken state display in menu
- Fixed remaining Hermann 25% discount mention in text
- Reverted changes to state/buff turn duration
- Fixed Gossip About George recollection crystal not unlocking
- Fixed #fuckreading not increasing required reading progress
- Fixed remaining encounters in Draknor Fortress after slaying Sathanas
- Fixed not being able to teach John Tenacity I in John Rising
- Fixed passability of Nephlune house roof
- Fixed X button icon in skill menu appearing even if no controller connected
- Fixed attack/guard still appearing enabled if sealed
- Fixed behaviour of ok key in battle HUD
- Fixed non-responsive VN buttons
v0.25.0 (25.11.2022)
- Added Sexy Times With George 2 H-CG
- Added John Sex 1 H-CGs
- Added John Sex 2 H-CGs
- Added scene Aura Doubting Rose 1
- Added scene Aura Doubting Rose 2
- Added scene Rose Seduced By Richard 6
- Added scene Rose Seduced By Richard 7
- Added quest Homewrecking
- Added vice scene Homewrecking Vice 1
- Added vice scene Homewrecking Vice 2
- Added vice scene Homewrecking Vice 3
- Added lewd scene Homewrecking Lewd 1
- Added lewd scene Homewrecking Lewd 2
- Added lewd scene Homewrecking Lewd 3
- Added memory Founding Middle School Library Club
- Added memory Middle School Library Club
- Added memory High School Reunion
- Added mental 6 changes for pumping out Novel knowledge
- Added mental change fetish curiosity
- Added mental change sensitivity curiosity
- Added mental change to modify Founding Library Club memory
- Added mental change for mean expression
- Added skill Lightning Sword II
- Added compendium Moral page
- Added infamy moral degeneration variable
- Added option to increase Infamy, Sensitivity and Fetish stats in Deluxe Console
- Added Rosemond story maps (Thanks to Terekov)
- Added Verdeaux map first iteration (Thanks to Terekov)
- Added passive “Evil Can Be Good” added by Library Club 8
- Extended interests room tutorial with pink scenes section
- Integrate Maid Job 2 CG consistency lighting consistency improvement
- Implemented memory replay First Sex With George
- Updated Interests state in compendium
- Increased max vice to 18
- Increased max mental changes to 107
- Upgraded to RPGMaker 1.6.1
- Implemented Aura auto-activating Star Knightess instead of getting Game Over in party
- Increased Matthias’ taught Lightning Sword rank by 1
- Fixed various Mountainreach glitches
- Fixed missing display of decline condition in choice for first Hermann scene
- Fixed incorrect calculation of reading progress for mana book
v0.25.2 (09.12.2022)
- Removed Tactical Advantage persistence battle log message
- Rebalanced random component in damage variance based on luck factor
- Increased Hi-Demon Belphegor LUCK to 12
- Excluded LUCK from being reduced by WEAKENED
- Increased duration of Bloodshot Eyes to 15 turns
- Fixed formatting issue in quest log when using \js<> tags
- Fixed 100% states being affected by luck
- Fixed incorrect item stocks after interacting with Mountainreach General shop
- Fixed swapped John Sex dialogue check
- Added H-CG “Sexy Times With George 1”
- Added scene “Homework Project With Laura 4”
- Added scene “Library Club 8”
- Added scene “Lunchbreak 8”
- Added scene “Rose Seduced By Richard 3”
- Added scene “Rose Seduced By Richard 4”
- Added scene “Rose Seduced By Richard 5”
- Added lewd scene “John Sex 1”
- Added lewd scene “John Sex 2”
- Added mental change “Ugliness 2 Drain”
- Added mental change “Remove Injustice Unhappiness Source”
- Added under construction map for Vulcanic biome
- Added under construction map for Underwate biome
- Reflected costumes in Status menu
- Hid non-battle screen skills from skill selection menu
- Addded Emerald Leaf to Central Lake
- Implemented enhance skill Air Bubble
- Implemented skill Overcharge I
- Added skills for level 7 slime Rampage I (PHYS), Flaming Robe I (FIRE), Overcharge I (THUNDER), Air Bubble I (WIND)
- Added unlock real world scenes cheat option to deluxe console
- Added John & Charlotte reaction scene to Paulina
- Added alternate dialogue versions for NPCs mentioning James if James was killed
- Added Matthias and Mira post-Fortress dialogue
- Added Matthias providing 1 extra passive XP gain for party members post-Fortress
- Added basic Sophie post-Eternal Day reaction
- Added travelling traders from Mountainreach in Boar Hut post-Eternal Day
- Added minor NPC side story in Boar Hut reacting to Hermann election event
- Added minor NPC in Crying Seagull with feat dependent dialgue
- Improved Aura position during Going Home With Alicia
- Integrated H-CG consistency improvements
- Increased max mental changes to 97
- None
- Fixed typos
- Fixed touch input save file selection
- Fixed scrolling crash on main menu
- Fixed learning incorrect Lightning Sword spell from Matthias
- Fixed lingering FIRE resistance after diving
- Fixed incorrect trigger condition for Paulina reaction event
- Fixed incorrect flashback restore when talking to trader 3
- Fixed incorrect battle costume when picking a tavern costume in deluxe console
- Fixed Aura stuck in Maid Costume after Maid Job 2
- Fixed deadlock when clearing Refugee Camp without ever entering Food Shed
- Fixed Draknor Fortress corpse sprite glitch
- Fixed Matthias and Mira glitches
- Fixed missing objective when first obtaining Engagement Ring, then breaking it, then encountering Albrecht
- Fixed Reading Proficiency I sometimes not working on The Art of Thunderbolt
- Fixed Small Slime B Enhanced state not triggering in Medium Slime encounter at Draknor Fortress
- Fixed uniform upgrade in Underground Pub not affecting menu image
- Fixed adult content checks not working in Sexy Times With George scenes
v0.24.2 (11.11.2022)
- None
- None
- Fixed typos
- Removed outdated dialogue when charging Patentia Rune
- Changed category of Channeling Lewd Thoughts Into Magic to Perversion
- Fixed Tenacity II not applying effect
- Fixed Corrupt Guard Heavy Armor trait not triggering in some fights
- Fixed missing AGI requirement to The Art of Assassination description text
- Fixed leave option for encountering bandits not disabled in pink
- Fixed Whitefang refined nose not triggering off Oiled Blade+
- Fixed Phantom Lord glitches
- Fixed Tailwind clearing non-existant pollination fog after defeating Lilim
Changelog 0.24.0 (28.10.2022)
- Integrated Hermit 2 H-CGs
- Integrated Hermit 3 H-CGs
- Added scene “Tests Are Out 5”
- Added scene “Tutored By George 1”
- Added scene “Homework Project With Laura 3”
- Added lewd scene “Aura Masturbating 3”
- Added mental change “Masturbation Is Not Enough.”
- Added mental change for inserting Lewd Knowledge Orb
- Added mental change “Competitive over Appearance instead Grades”
- Added quest “The Lord of Phantoms”
- Finished quest “Eternal Day of Sloth”
- Added boss Belphegor
- Added boss Phantom Lord
- Addd Central Lake and Destroyed Mountainreach maps
- Integrated first round of UI overhaul
- Added Load option to Message Command
- Added item Humanitas Rune
- Addded item Corrupted Humanitas Rune
- Added skill Radiance I
- Added skill Fade Into Shadows I
- Added passive “Lack Of Willpower To Study”
- Scripted learning Radiance and Fade Into Shadows from Elaine
- Scripted option to give Humanitas Rune to James
- Moved end of content points at Verdeaux and the Captain
- Employed “+1 POWER” keyword for “+1 Damage per ATK/MATK”
- Added H-CG unlock option for Deluxe Build
- Increased max mental changes to 95
- Increased max killed bosses to 69
- Added additional -10 Max MP effect when legs of sloth is completed
- Replaced Corruption increase every day with Doubled Curse effects for Hard Mode
- Fixed typos
- Fixed character shadow not loading initially in “about status” option
- Fixed main menu hotkeys enabled during message box scene
- Fixed page button appearance criteria
- Fixed missing jump point in Phantom Lord Domain
- Fixed crash from pressing hotkey when menu is open
- Fixed backlogs not truncating for save files created before the message system plugin was added
- Fixed passability issues in Central Lake
- Fixed filename typo in party member bar background
- Fixed picking up Caritas Rune setting triggerLewdScene flag
- Fixed incorrect web bomb stock after Festival
- Fixed James dialogue inconsistencies
- Fixed hp/mp potentially exceeding max hp / max hp due to variable influences on passive effects
- Fixed map WP gauge not showing correct percentage
- Fixed slowdown issues with HUD
- Fixed flickering on HUD party frames
- Fixed HUD briefly appearing on Recall
- Fixed Desmond getting added to party when viewing Hermit events in recollection mode
- Fixed Drug Dealer using Prepare Bloodshot Eyes twice in a row
- Fixed Nail opacity in Aura Masturbating 3 being 0
- Fixed duplication of state icons
- Fixed glitchy behavior due to arrowkey and message command window interactions
- Fixed touch input for loading autosave
- Fixed mobile title menu command placements
- Fixed letter spacings
- Fixed Olaf Duel having no Gold payout
- Fixed missing Paul to Paulina portrait change at the end of What Lurks Within The Mountains quest
- Fixed compendium list offset bug
- Fixed incorrect setting of George and Rose meetup recollection crystal
- Fixed input interruption on message skip
- Fixed compendium not being closeable via mouse/touch
- Fixed malformed JSON in Graviton Rule and Breath of The Dragon JSON
- Fixed calculation errors in Eyes of Greed/Arms of Wrath/Legs of Sloth
- Fixed incorrect compendium icons displayed
- Fixed incorrect MATK icon for Flaming Robe
- Fixed minor text inconsistencies at compendium
- Fixed scrolling opening the back log
- Fixed broken quitting game on mobile
- Fixed various minor glitches
Changelog 0.23.0 (30.09.2022)
- Integrated H-CGs for Hermann Sex 1
- Integrated H-CGs for Hermann Sex 2
- Integrated evolving compendium body part icons
- Added scene “Aura Bad At Humanities 1”
- Added scene “Aura Bad At Humanities 2”
- Added scene “Aura Bad At Humanities 3”
- Added lewd scene “John Blowjob”
- Added mental changes Humanities Knowledge
- Added Draknor Fortress Floor 3
- Added Draknor Fortress Floor 4
- Added Moloch Domain
- Added Draknor Fortress Commander boss fight
- Added Moloch boss fight
- Added Sathanas boss fight
- Added book “The Art of Assassination”
- Added book “Mana And A Healthy Diet To Promote Its Production”
- Added book “Skillbook: Tenacity II”
- Added item “Caritas Rune”
- Added quest “John Rising”
- Implemented remaining content for quest “Fortress of Wrath”
- Added skill “Morph: Thunder”
- Added skill “Morph: Wind”
- Added Slime Summoner to Nephlune Adventurer Guild
- Added Vice restriction for Hermann election event
- Improved compression of MV RTP BGM files
- Improved pubic hair consistency
- Added deluxe build
- Added cheats options to deluxe build
- Added costume change options to deluxe build
- Add hotkeys for opening Inventory (I), Skills (L), Character (K), Quest Log (J), Save (F6), Load (F9), Compendium (C), Options (O)
- Increased max mental changes to 92
- Increased max killed bosses to 68
- Changed Darkness In The Woods back to Novice Quest
- Fixed typos
- Fixed incorrect Tremor I Gold check
- Fixed Flaming Robe I not decreasing Max MP
- Estimated play time: 20-27h
- Word Count: 425k
- Lewd Scenes: 52
- Real World Scenes: 156
- CGs: 22 (+1 Bonus CG).
Changelog 0.22.0 (26.08.2022)
- Integrated H-CGs for Customer Service 3
- Added mental change “Implant Advanced Makeup Knowledge Orb”
- Added mental change “Colored Nails”
- Added mental change “Increased Corruption Speed”
- Added scene “Aura too late for school 2”
- Added scene “Aura too late for school 3”
- Added scene “Aura Changing Home 2”
- Added scene “Aura Dev 5”
- Added scene “Aura Dev 6”
- Added scene “Going to Nail Studio With Cheerleaders 1”
- Added scene “Going to Nail Studio With Cheerleaders 2”
- Added scene “Rose Seduced By Richard 2”
- Added scene “Rose And George Meetup 1”
- Integrated lewd scene “Hermann Sex 1”
- Integrated lewd scene “Hermann Sex 2”
- Added area James Home
- Added area Northern Mountain Ranges
- Added Avian and Mothercrow boss encounter in Northern Mountain Ranges
- Added Ogre King boss encounter in Northern Mountain Ranges
- Added Goblin King boss encounter
- Added Medium Earth Slime boss encounter
- Added Mature Spider Queen boss encounter
- Added Minotaur + Venom Scorpio boss encounter
- Added Lilim boss encounter
- Added James Boss Fight
- Added quest “What Lurks Inside The Mountains”
- Finished quest “The Hand Of The King”
- Added item “Formula: Acid Bomb”
- Added item “Acid Bomb”
- Added item “Skillbook: Bomb Proficiency II”
- Added book “The Art Of Light”
- Added book “The Art Of Thunderbolt”
- Added book “Skillbook: Reading Proficiency I”
- Added skill “Bomb Proficiency II”
- Added skill “Reading Proficiency I”
- Replaced default Goblin artwork for different goblin types
- Scripted Paulina variation
- Added pink sheet bed variations
- Added crafting option for Acid Bombs after delivering formula to Alchemist
- Improved warning message upon starting Festival
- Dim standing image of non-speaker
- Add Mana Capacity II training at Nephlune Spellshop
- Added artifact “Lifeshaper”
- Added reward for rescued Underground Abductee Refugee
- Increased max killed bosses to 63
- Increased max mental changes to 86
- Removed corruption increase from upgraded drugs, instead selling drug formulas produce 1 Corruption
- Lowered prices at Nephlune Spellshop for learning advanced techniques
- Increased MP gain from Mana Catalyst to 30
- Added effect to Useless Knowledge to negate reading speed increases
- Fixed typos
- Fixed Fullfilment getting added twice if it’s also triggered through a real world scene
- Refactored implementation of Tenacity II for enemies so it also works with auto-spells
- Fixed passability issues
- Fixed recollection room glitches involved with appearance changes
Changelog 0.21.0 (29.07.2022)
- Integrated H-CGs into “Asking For Drugs 3”
- Integrated H-CGs into “Asking For Drugs 4”
- Integrated H-CGs for “Sexy Times With George 3”
- Integrated Hermann Date 4 CGs
- Added mental change “Switching TV channels”
- Added mental change “Inserting ‘Finding The Next Super Model’ into Childhood Memory”
- Added mental changes to drain and smash second level of science knowledge
- Added mental changes to drain and smash third level of science knowledge
- Added mental changes to corrupt and replace Diligence Orb with Deliquence Orb
- Added scene “Sexual Harrassment 2”
- Added scene “Homework Project With Laura 2”
- Added scene “Being Into ‘The Next Super Model 1”
- Added scene “Being Into ‘The Next Super Model 2”
- Added scene “Being Into ‘The Next Super Model 3”
- Added scene “Bad At Science 2”
- Added scene “Bad At Science 3”
- Added scene “Tests Are Out 4”
- Added scene “Homework Project With Laura 1”
- Added lewd scene “Asking For Drugs 4”
- Added lewd scene “Fake Marriage With Hermann”
- Added quest “Blue Sugar Menace”
- Added quest “A Just Reward”
- Integrated Lord Nephlune maps
- Integrated Congregation Warehouse map
- Reduced Knowledge Room Orbs from 9 to 3
- Added Lord Nephlune mansion vice chest
- Added item “Blue Sugar+”
- Added item “Formula: Blue Sugar+”
- Added early game Blue Sugar+ Shady Thug drug dealer to Trademond
- Added pixel costume for Hermann Date 4
- Increased max mental changes to 83
- Increased max lewdness to 50
- Increased max vice to 15
- Increased max bosses to 55
- No changes
- Fixed typos
- Fixed incorrect teleport location of “Lewd Thoughts 5” recollection
- Fixed Shady Thug not increasing killed bosses
- Fixed outdated description of Skillbook: Flashing Crotch Kick
- Fixed “Being Into ‘The Next Super Model’ 3” not getting unlocked in recollection room
- Fixed Hermann being at church after Fake Marriage
- Fixed vice chest in Lord Nephlune mansion.
v0.20.0 (24.06.2022)
[*]Added scene “Having Lewd Thoughts 4”[*]Added scene “Having Lewd Thoughts 5”
[*]Added lewd scene “Sexy Times With George 1”
[*]Added lewd scene “Sexy Times With George 2”
[*]Added lewd scene “Sexy Times With George 3”
[*]Added lewd scene “Hermann Date 4”
[*]Added lewd scene “Asking For Drugs 3”
[*]Integrated H-CG into “Toll Bandit Blowjob”
[*]Integrated H-CG into “Asking For Drugs 1”
[*]Integrated H-CG into “Asking For Drugs 2”
[*]Added mental change “Perverted Fulfillment” in Roya habits
[*]Added mental change to convert stats to sensitvity and fetish stats
[*]Added scenes for meeting Belphegor
[*]Implemented events for Mountainreach Domains
[*]Redirected teleports of Mountainreach after spending 1 day end in the village
[*]Implemented major curse “Legs Of Sloth”
[*]Added Mountainreach NPCs
[*]Added items “Formula: Aphrodisiac Drug Bomb+” and “Aphrodisiac Drug Bomb+”
[*]Added lewd book “How To Channel Erotic Thoughts Into Magic” to Trademond book store
[*]Added lewd book “The Art Of Seduction” to Nephlune book store
[*]Added book “The Art Of Tremor”
[*]Added book “Basic Positions In Sword Fights”
[*]Improved Trademond mapping
[*]Replaced default window skin with backdrop skin for new UI
[*]Increased max mental changes to 77
[*]Increased max lewdness to 33
[*]No changesBugfixes
[*]Fixed typos
[*]Fixed inMountainreach flag not being reset when leaving Mountainreach
[*]Fixed missing BGM settings for Mountainreach interiors
[*]Fixed missing Chloe text update after Aaron gets bombs
[*]Fixed incorrect domain exit for Leo
[*]Fixed passability issues in Mountainreach
[*]Fixed intro crash when using Bite Of The Snake
[*]Fixed enemies not turning transparent in Nephlune Vault
[*]Fixed CG glitch in “Asking For Drugs 1”
[*]Fixed glitches at “Hermann Date 3”
[*]Fixed incorrect gold rewards when adult content is turned off for “Hermann Date 4”
[*]Fixed passability issues in Belphegor Domain
[*]Fixed Lewdtoken machine subtracting incorrect number of attribute points.
Changelog 0.19.1 (03.06.2022)
- Added heart marks to NPCs with interactions leading to lewd scenes
- Cleaned up some [NOT IMPLEMENTED] NPCs whose planned content has been cut
- Updated to RPGM 1.5.0
- Mapped pagedown key from overwritten w key to e
- Added intermediate objective for Festival of Greed to ask Young Merchant or Edwin to take you to the Festival
- Added intermediate objective for Impostor Refugess to find the Camp Guard after reporting stolen food to Julian
- Reduced daily increase of Blessed Water by 1 to 4 Gold per day
- Increased enemy debuff on Story Mode to 50%
- Increased ATK gain from “How To Distract With Your Female Charms” book by 1 to +2 ATK
- Decreased bonus trust reward for Demon Worshipper 101 from 10 to 5 but added a 3 trust bonus for special answer for King Of Lies name
- Fixed typos
- Fixed “Eyes of Greed” not deactivating choices with variable gold costs
- Fixed onEnhance event not getting triggered when switching between Enhancespells
- Fixed killing demon before starting Darkness In The Woods incorrectly setting quest variable
- Fixed more Mountainreach teleporters
- Fixed character sprite in Cheerleading Practice 6 not being adjusted to hairstyle corruption
- Fixed passability issues in Nephlune Vault
- Fixed Buny Suit Loving Magistrate recollection crystal
- Fixed invalid runtime variable i in Nephlune Vault
- Fixed lewdness increase glitches in Underground Pub
- Fixed references to Breast Groping By John being shown during Kissing With Johne even if the event hasn’t happened
- Fixed lack of support for multiple alternative conditions causing a deadlock with Artist 2
- Fixed Lunchbreak 7 recollection calling Lunchbreak 6 recollection
- Fixed teleport deactivating flag always being reset when leavin the Clean Room allowing to teleport out of the Festival
- Fixed incorrect AGI condition on jump in Draknor Fortress
- Fixed missing costume variable reset during pink variation of Showing Pussy To Guard lewd scene.
Changelog 0.19.0 (27.05.2022)
- Added lewd scene “Customer Service 3”
- Added lewd scene “Bunny Suit Loving Magistrate 1”
- Added lewd scene “Bunny Suit Loving Magistrate 2”
- Added scene “Commuting With George 4”
- Added scene “Commuting With George 5”
- Added scene “Lunchbreak 6”
- Added scene “Lunchbreak 7”
- Added scene “Chearleading Practice 6”
- Added scene “Library Club 7”
- Added scene “Going Home With Rose 5”
- Added scene “Evening With George 7”
- Added scene “Rose Seduced By Richard 1”
- Integrated H-CGs into “Aura Masturbating At Shrine 1”
- Integrated H-CGs into “Aura Masturbating At Shrine 2”
- Integrated H-CGs for “Aura Masturbating At Home 1”
- Integrated H-CGs for “Aura Masturbating At Home 2”
- Turned Save The Crops into an Adventurer Guild quest
- Added quest “Darkness In The Woods”
- Reworked quest “What Is It With Birds And Stealing”
- Added dungeon “Nephlune: Vault”
- Add passive skills to visualize installed fetishes/sensitivities
- Added item “Formula: Beta”
- Added item “Nasty Oil Coating+”
- Increased max killed bosses to 51
- Added quest “Nephlune’s Duelists”
- Added duel opponent “Knightess Fleura”
- Added duel opponent “Trickster Ralph”
- Added duel opponent “Old Man Olaf”
- Integrated map “Crying Seagull” in Nephlune
- Integrated map “Adventurer Guild” in Nephlune
- Created placeholders for Mountainreach NPCs at Inn
- Implemented TODOs in Nephlune Vault
- Added skill “Flaming Robe I”
- Added option to learn “Flaming Robe I” from rescued Fire Mage Adventurer
- Implemented Elaine in Mountainreach Church #2327
- Added option to learn “Pierce II” from Fleura
- Added option to learn “Rampage II” from Olaf
- Added option to learn “Defensive Stance II” from Ralph
- Increased max mental changes to 76
- Increased max killed bosses to 54
- No changes
- Fixed typos
- Fixed incorrect objective being closed for Save The Crops when starting quest at Farmer Girl
- Fixed glitches in Nephlune Vault
- Fixed Wind Indicator not showing wind direction
- Fixed Nasty Oil Coating+ bonuses not applying correctly
- Fixed Oiled Blade+ not getting removed at end of day
- Fixed Fleura Pierce II training promise ending day
- Fixed teleporters in Mountainreach
- Fixed incorrect unlock variabled and unlock conditions for Customer Service 3
- Fixed worshipper direction glitch
- Fixed further incorrect indices in SHOW_AURA_RL_NAKED command
- Fixed invisible bandits when playing Bandit Blowjob from recollection room
- Fixed Edwin workshop being enterable before villagers are cured.
Changelog 0.18.2 (13.05.2022)
- Increased version font size on title screen
- Updating Resistance in Draknor Fortress when MDEF changes
- Fixed typos
- Fixed overlapping events triggering Masturbation at Shrine and Asking For Drugs compulsion
- Fixed Rock Armor I increasing AGI instead of decreasing it
- Fixed visual glitch when using Patentia Rune in dungeons with dynamic lighting
- Fixed Trust being visisble in Clear Room
- Fixed Masturbating At Shrine 1 playing when selecting Masturbating At Shrine 2
- Fixed Auto-Skills being disabled in Main Menu when MP too low
- Fixed missing breast sensitivity tag when first time talking to Young Merchant for Young Merchant Dinner 3.
Changelog 0.18.1 (06.05.2022)
- Added Web Bombs in Festival Shop
- Added alternate text after Improved Posture mental change
- Removed the I indicator for Asking For Drugs option
- Added Tags option in Recollection room for H-scenes
- Increased Max Lewdness to 30
- Showing minimum skill level / item required to overcome obstacle if none apply
- Added Beast and Refined Nose tags to Aamon and Kerberos
- Fixed typos
- Fixed mapping bugs
- Fixed missing actor id for manual addiction progression
- Fixed feeding slime in Underground not working
- Fixed favorite color change not reflected in Compendium
- Fixed visual glitch for lifting skirt without panties
- Removed inconsistent cancel option from skirt mental interaction
- Fixed lewd resistance not correctly using sensitvity focus
- Removed doubled dialogue line in Asking For Drugs 2
- Fixed crash when showing Aura naked image with bangles
- Fixed mixed up stat increases for Flashing Breasts and Pussy scenes.
Changelog 0.18.0 (229.04.2022)
- Integrated H-CG for “Customer Service 1”
- Integrated H-CG for “Customer Service 2”
- Integrated H-CG for “Flashing Breasts For Guard”
- Integrated H-CG for “Showing Pussy For Guard”
- Integrated H-CG for “Young Merchant Dinner 3”
- Added mental change “Blur Out Super Robot Shows” in Alicia Childhood Memory Dive
- Added mental change “Change Favorite Color Red To Pink”
- Added mental change “Add bangles”
- Added mental change “Remove Self-Acknowledgement III”
- Added mental change “Flashy Clothes”
- Added mental change “Light Makeup”
- Added mental change “Shorten Skirt Length”
- Added mental change “Shopping II”
- Added scene “Shopping In Mall 5”
- Added scene “Aura Bored At Studying 3”
- Added scene “Aura Bored At Studying 4”
- Added scene “Shopping With Patricia 3”
- Added scene “Shopping With Patricia 4”
- Added scene “Evening With George 7”
- Added scene “Evening With George 8”
- Added scene “Aura Posting On Social Media 3”
- Added Nephlune Underground Dungeon
- Added Nephlune Underground City
- Added Demonologist NPC in Underground City
- Added Dark Mage Spellshop in Underground City
- Added Drug Dealer NPC in Underground City #2089
- Moved end of content point in Nephlune to James mansion entrance
- Added spell “Horror I”
- Add lewd scene “Young Dinner Merchant 3”
- Added lewd scene “Asking For Drugs 1”
- Added lewd scene “Asking For Drugs 2”
- Added quest “Demon Worshipper 101”
- Added item “Sweet Memories Drug+”
- Added item “Bloodshot Eyes”
- Added item “Lascivicious Drug Coating” and “Lascivicious Drug Coating”+
- Added item “Blue Sugar Drug”
- Added item “The Art of Fire”
- Added availability of Remove Collar action into skill description
- Add resistance calculus to correctly determine resistance from WEAK/RESIST traits
- Implemented type tag system for lewd scenes
- Added consumeDrug tags to Maid Job
- Added Addicted and Withdrawal passives
- Added option to give Drug Dealer drug formula
- Added option to give White Priestess drug formula
- Added stone tabled to Underground City
- Disabled drugging companions
- Updated Hand Of The Kind quest
- Improved NPC positions during Arwin’s party
- Increased max mental changes to 75
- Increased max killable bosses to 49
- Unified state duration to always decrease on turn end instead of action end, especially Tactical Advantage
- Changed +2 Corruption of Sweet Memories Drug to +1 Corruption and +1 Addiction
- Reduced minimum lewdness effects of Addicted I/II/III and Withdrawal I/II/III
- Decreased minimum waiting time between testing phases to 7 days
- Decreased corruption costs for increasing max happiness tank capacity to 1/2 for MEDIUM and MAX
- Fixed typos
- Fixed hands for Aura RL standing art
- Fixed padding issues in Beastiary
- Fixed water mage reviving on slime summon in slime summoner fight in Underground
- Fixed crashes from switching to new tagging system for lewd scenes
- Fixed incorrect passabilities
- Fixed no addiction increases when adult content is off
- Fixed Art Of Fire being readable twice when getting Reading. Is. Boring.
- Fixed Skillbook: Offensive Stance II being readable twice when getting Reading. Is. Boring.
- Fixed money glitches from learning Shadowcloak I from Dark Mage
- Fixed some trust checks not being disabled upon death of associated worshipper
- Fixed missing corruption increases from answers in Young Merchant Dinner 3
- Fixed Maid Job 2 always giving -2 Max Willpower when Adult Content is off
- Fixed mapping bug in Northern Mines Vault
- Fixed movement routes of demon worshippers in Underground City
- Fixed Shopping II being visible before unlocking it
- Fixed incorrect method of calculating last actor id of used skill / item
- Fixed numerical precision issues in discount application, especially Blessed Water cost increase
- Fixed Aamon (FIRE) form only lasting for 2 turns first time in battle
- Estimated play time: 17-21h
- Word Count: 348k
- Lewd Scenes: 37
- Real World Scenes: 121
- CGs: 14 (+1 Bonus CG).
Changelog 0.17.2 (08.04.2022)
No changes
No changes
Fixed monster versions of maids sometimes being visible before battle in festival of greed
Fixed deadlock occuring in Young Merchant Dinner 2 if adult content is OFF
Fixed superfluous -10 Willpower when confronting Arwin
Fixed workshop payment applying old payment of 25 Gold extra per Star Metal
Fixed vine where upwind would cause a fall
Fixed learning spells at the hermit not increasing learned spells counter
Fixed Matthias face missing in a dialogue box
Fixed incorrect pluralization for items ending with “+”
Fixed “Luciela Candidate” compendium entry using incorrect variable for checking to be shown
Changelog 0.17.0 (25.03.2022)
- Integrated H-CG “Formula Peddler Blowjob”
- Added lewd scenes “Spending Day Masturbating 1”
- Added lewd scenes “Spending Day Masturbating 2”
- Added lewd scene “Aura Masturbating 1”
- Added lewd scene “Aura Masturbating 2”
- Integrated lewd scene “Ass Eaten Out By Hermit”
- Integrated lewd scene “Flashing Boobs To Guard”
- Integrated lewd scene “Showing Pussy To Guard”
- Integrated lewd scene “Selling Patnies To Guard”
- Added mental change “Remove Temperance Orb 1”
- Added mental change “Insert Hedonism Orb 1”
- Added mental change “Low-Heeled Shoes”
- Added mental change “Patricia Switch: CARE”
- Added mental change “Remove Cobwebs: Accessories”
- Added mental change “Add Hoop Earring”
- Added memory “Aura and Alicia Childhood”
- Added scene “Aura Having Lewd Thoughts 1”
- Added scene “Aura Having Lewd Thoughts 2”
- Added scene “Aura Having Lewd Thoughts 3”
- Added scene “Shopping With Patricia 1”
- Added scene “Shopping With Patricia 2”
- Added scene “Aura Wearing Heels 1”
- Added passive “Hidden Desires I”
- Added passive “Rising Heat I”
- Added passive EXP gain of 1 EXP per day for companion characters
- Added trigger Charlotte in jail by visiting Barracks
- Added teleporting ability to stone tablet and added tablets in Trademond: Church, Eastern Forest of Runes, and Northern Mines: Vault
- Added trigger condition for Womb of Lust (Incomplete) to trigger lewd scene at day start if modifier reaches -100
- Added Congregation Branch in Nephlune
- Added slave trader with investment option in Nephlune Congregation
- Integrated Mountainreach and Mountainreach Church maps
- Scripted Mountainreach entrance event
- Created Elaine end of content npc in mountainreach church
- Eliminated dependency of needing to do Breast Groping By John before Kissing John
- Enabled Dinner With Young Merchant 2 post-Festival
- Added Edwin workshop in Riverflow
- Added minor roaming deco NPCs to Trademond
- Added item “Etherplate”
- Added item “Pyroplate”
- Added item “Emeraldplate”
- Added item “Maleficumplate”
- Increased max lewdness to 29
- Increased max mental changes to 66
- Enabled Womb of Lust (Incomplete) on all difficulty modes
- Enabled periodically restocking Blessed Water x 2 before the Festival
- Increased Blessed Water cost increase from 2 to 5 gold per day
- Changed Blessed Water restock from defeating Lower Demon into free Blessed Water x 3
- Added initial stock of Blessed Water x 3 to church
- Reduced Workshop salary increase from selling Star metal from 25 to 15 Gold
- Using the Workshop on Story Mode no longer ends the day
- Increased loot multiplier on Story Mode from 5x to 10x
- Increased corruption cost to enter Entrance Chamber from 2 to 4
- Decreased corruption cost to open up Entrance Chamber mind rooms from 2 to 1
- Decreased corruption cost increase for disposition switches to 1 for Rose and Alicia
- Reduced minimum lewdness for Bunny costume in Nephlune Bar to 5
- Increased corruption gain on Hard Mode to +1 Corruption every day
- Clear Gem can now be obtained at the Abandoned Shrine at game start
- Invest: Purification now also resets Womb of Lust
- Fixed typos and editorial improvements
- Fixed Mary tavern costume not using unbraided hair
- Fixed debug messages appearing at Edwin’s workshop
- Fixed deadlock when entering Mountreach for a second time
- Fixed missing minimum lewdness check for Temperance Orb removal
- Fixed Mana Catalyst reference in Hermit 3 scene being mixed up
- Fixed pink scenes not being marked correctly in lewd guard scenes
- Fixed slave trader investment deducting 2000 Gold instead of 1000 Gold
- Fixed womb of lust not restoring willpower after being reset
- Fixed incorrect lewdness increase message in selling panties to lewd guard scene
- Fixed Hermit first lewd dialogue not correctly playing when artifact was not returned
- Fixed Desmond sprite not disappearing if Theft II is not unlocked during Hermit quest
- Fixed Womb of Lust resetting during non-lewd bar job
- Fixed deadlock when entering mountainreach from through church teleporter.
Changelog 0.16.0 (25.02.2021)
Integrated H-CG “Feeding Merchant Mouth to Mouth”
Integrated H-CG “Fingered By Doll Aura”
Added scene “Posting On Social Media 2”
Added scene “Evening With George 5”
Added scene “Evening With George 6”
Added scene “Going Home With Alicia 7”
Added scene “Cheerleader Practice 5”
Added scene “Going To Hair Salon 1”
Added scene “Going To Hair Salon 2”
Added scene “Going To Hair Salon 3”
Added scene “Going To Hair Salon 4”
Added mental change “Popularity II”
Added mental change “Brown Hair”
Added mental change “Wavy Hair”
Added mental change “Improved Pose”
Added mental change “Cheerleader Switch: CARE”
Added mental change “Veronica Switch: CARE”
Added mental change “Remove Hair Color Cobwebs”
Added lewd scene “”Bandit Blowjob For Passage”
Integrated lewd scene “Titjob For Hermit”
Integrated lewd scene “Fingered By Hermit”
Added item type “Artifact”
Added item “Mana Catalyst”
Added item “Web Bomb”
Added skill “Rock Armor I”
Added Sweet Memories+ Drug Formula at Formula Peddler
Added Web Bomb Formula at Formula Peddler
Added quest “What Is It With Birds And Stealing”
Added options to learn Stone Mind I, Tremor I, and Rock Armor I from Hermit
Implemented world event “Toll Bridge Bandits”
Integrated assets for next set of appearance changes
Added bounty for Toll Bandit Leader
Simplified Roya World Map between Trademond and Nephlune
Increased max killable bosses to 46
Increased max vice to 13
Increased max lewdness to 26
Increased max mental changes to 60
Upgraded to RPGM 1.4.4 (0.16.0a)
Increased willpower decrease from Mutated Hydrangea to 10
Secondary lewd stats decrease willpower when applicable to the lewd scene
Increased corruption cost for Socializing II to 2
Increased Toll Bandit Bounty to 700 Gold (0.16.0a)
Fixed typos
Fixed passability issues
Fixed “Going Home With Alicia 6” not having a recollection room entry
Fixed “Remove Braided Hair” event line not having a mannequin in the recollection room
Fixed various Vice stat increases going above limit
Fixed various glitches when adult content is turned off
Fixed Mind Pollitionation skill consuming willpower as a cost instead as an effect
Fixed non-integer EXP for slime
Fixed incorrect picture names freezing the game instead of crashing with a proper error message
Fixed various glitches when adult content is turned off (0.16.0a)
Fixed mental change “Perm Hair” being usable multiple times (0.16.0a)
Fixed missing minimum vice value for stealing Catalyst (0.16.0a)
Fixed incorrect max lewdness (0.16.0a)
Fixed willpower reduction and lewdness increase cap mechanics not cooperating (0.16.0a)
Fixed deadlock when confronting demon worshippers (0.16.0a)
Stats (v0.16.0)
Estimated play time: 15-19h
Word Count: 314k
Lewd Scenes: 26
Real World Scenes: 105
CGs: 12 (+1 Bonus CG)
- Added mental change “Shoes II Interest”
- Added mental change “Heel Universe Online App”
- Added scene “Cheerleader Practice 3”
- Added scene “Cheerleader Practice 4”
- Added scene “Evening Chat With Alicia 6”
- Added scene “Aura Dev 4”
- Added scene “Posting On Social Media 1”
- Integrated H-CG “Lewd Dance for Formula Peddler”
- Integrated lewd scene “Blowjob with Doll Aura” (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Added map “Draknor Fortress: Outer Area”
- Added map “Draknor Fortress: Caves”
- Added map “Draknor Fortress: Floor 0”
- Added map “Draknor Fortress: Floor 1”
- Added map “Draknor Fortress: Floor 2”
- Added map “Draknor Fortress: Aamon Domain”
- Added map “Draknor Fortress: Kerberos Domain”
- Added items “Antidote” and “Blessed Antidote”
- Added skill “Bomb Proficiency I”
- Added skill “Coating Proficiency I”
- Implemented options to learn Bomb Proficiency I and Coating Proficiency I from Desmond
- Revealing transformed enemy forms in beastiary upon victory
- Added tracking of number of bosses killed in Beastiary
- Added Fortress of Wrath dialogue with Sardine
- Made stolen food apples stealable
- Added curse “Arms of Wrath” (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Removed dependency of Getting Started to save Edwin
- Added Skilly Carry Over NG+ Bonus (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Added Hard Mode (Thanks to Gaurav)
- Increased max boss kills to 44
- Increased max mental changes to 53
- Increased max lewdness to 20
- Upgraded to RPGM 1.4.3
v0.14.2 (14.01.2022)
Updated Barrack bounties after being claimed (Thanks to Gaurav)
No changes
Adjustments to new resolution (Thanks to Gaurav)
Fixed Aura retaining Star Knightess skills after intro
Fixed flash of naked characters when first-time displaying characters (Thanks to Gaurav)
Fixed Maleficum not increasing AGI
Fixed Bless Item not working when cast in Trademond
Fixed Trust window remaining when triggering end of content in Nephlune (Thanks to Gaurav)
Fixed repeated lines in Kissing John scene (Thanks to Gaurav)
Fixed Aura standing image covering demon worshipper in Trademond Underground Dungeon (Thanks to Gaurav)
Changelog 0.13.0 (26.11.2021)
Added Eastern Forest of Runes dungeon
Added Eastern Forest of Runes: Hidden Cave dungeon
Added Eastern Forest of Runes: Demonic Domain dungeon
Added intermediate Central Lake map
Added tavern map stub in Riverflow
Added Nephlune map
Added “Attending Classes 3”
Added Knowledge Room
Added “Slime Bonding 1” H-CGs
Added “Listening On Liliana” H-CGs
Added lewd scene “Fingered By Doll Aura”
Added scene “Meeting Liliana in Nephlune” and moved end of content message to Liliana’s house
Added quest stub “The Hand Of The King”
Added Material Merchant to Nephlune
Added Bookstore to Nephlune
Added Spellshop to Nephlune
Added item “Patentia Rune (Charged)”
Added material “Ancient Wood”
Added material “Maleficum”
Added item “Skillbook: Flashing Crotch Kick”
Added item “Skillbook: Protect I”
Added item “Skillbook: Offensive Stance II”
Added item “A Guide To Focusing Your Mind”
Added item “Encyclopedia Alchemica Volume I”
Added items “Bomb+” and “Blessed Bomb+”
Added skill “Flashing Crotch Kick I”
Added skill “Offensive Stance II”
Added skill “Lightning Sword I”
Iterated world map
Made Fire I interactions more dynamic by always considering possible party members
Added some simple scripting support for switching and restoring character costumes in earth recollection room
Removing Selflessness I enables “Minor Theft” interactions for stealing ropes and apples on some maps
Reworked progression system for lewdness and vice to not increase lewdness/vice if current lewdness/vice < minimum required lewdness/vice + 10
Increased max vice to 10 and lowered max lewdness to 18
Increased mental changes to 47
Increased max killed bosses score to 39
Upgraded to RPGMPacker 2.0.3
Buffed Storm I to have Auto-Cast property
Buffed Pacify I to reduce both ATK and MATK
Fixed typos and editorial improvements
Fixed missing +1 Lewdness text in lewd dance choice
Fixed watching Shopping 1 in recollection room permanently changing clothing
Fixed on-enter and on-touch having slightly different passability rule checks
Fixed FIRE slime form inheriting PHYS resistance
Fixed back attacks not working on large enemies
Fixed Shadowcloak giving tactical advantage for first 2 turns on ambushes
Fixed simultaneus auto-spell activations interefering with each other
Fixed alchemist lewd scene giving lewd increase twice
Fixed braziers in abandoned mines in northern forest not using refactored Fire I logic
Fixed party members remaining when using Patentia Rune
Fixed draining knowledge being repeatable
Fixed passability issue in vault
Changelog 0.12.3 (19.11.2021)
- Add Richard standing CGs
- No changes
- Fixed being able to down vine at northern exit of northern forest of runes
- Fixed passability issues in refugee sheds
- Fixed recollection crystal for lewd dance for formula peddler teleporting into underground dungeon
Changelog 0.12.0 (30.10.2021)
- Added scene “Tests Are Out 3”
- Added scene “Attending Classes 1”
- Added scene “Attending Classes 2”
- Added scene “Dating George 1”
- Added values room in Main Chamber
- Added mental change “Breaking Science Beakers”
- Added mental changes for corrupting first selfishness orb
- Integrated “Demon Worshipper Handjob” CGs
- Added lewd scene “Feeding Slave Owner Mouth To Mouth”
- Added lewd scene “Lewd Dance For Formula Peddler”
- Added lewd scene “Asking For Ass Groping By Slave Owner”
- Added quest “Save The Crops!”
- Added quest stub “Eternal Day Of Sloth”
- Added skill “Shadowcloak I”
- Added skill “Bless Item I”
- Added skill “Light II”
- Added skill “Assassinate I”
- Added skill “Invest: AGI All” in Money Domain
- Added skills “Morph: Fire” and “Morph: Phys” for Slime
- Added item “Anti-Magic Coating”
- Added formula Peddler shop
- Added formula “Improved Vitality Potion Efficiency”
- Added formula “Improved Bomb Efficiency”
- Added formula “Energy Potion+”
- Added formula “Flash Bomb+”
- Added Stasis Bombs in expensive shop in Money Domain
- Integrated maps for “Formula Peddler”
- Integrated map “Southern Farmer House” in Riverflow
- Integrated 2 refugee camp shed maps
- Integrated map “Artist” in Riverflow
- Added option to learn Assassinate I from farmer grandma
- Added option to learn Morph: Fire from Slime Summoner
- Added option to learn Shadowcloak I from Black Priestess
- Added options to learn Light II and Bless Item I from White Priestess
- Added option Bless Item at White Priestess
- Scripted Aura spawn dialogue post-Festival
- Added Vice option for blackmailing rescued merchant
- Moved end of content points to White Priestess/Sardine/Nephlune
- Blocked entrance to Arwin mansion post-Festival
- Updated Charlotte Magic dialigue post-Festival
- Added quest stub “Fortress Of Wrath”
- Updated Desmond location and blocked entrance to boar hut cellar
- Removed Marten post-Festival
- Added rewards for quickly reaching second story arc at Bragging Merchant and Rescued Maid
- Disabled dialogue options to trigger Festival post-Festival
- Enabled periodic Blessed Water restock every 20 days post-Festival
- Failing “Price Of Freedom” main objective when triggering derby with more than 1 participant
- Added Modeling 1 event at Riverflow artist
- Added rescued abductees to Refugee Camp / Trademond
- Added Sick Workers and Edwin dialogue variants for post-Festival
- Added “Reading. Is. Boring.” checks to some dialogues involving books
- Added post-Festival John dialogue
- Added post-Festival Paul dialogue
- Increased max mental changes to 46
- Increased Max Lewdness to 28
- Integrated vice into score calculations
- Increased Perika gain from Liquidation spells to 2000 when Selfishness >= 1
- Story Mode: Reduced Perika cost of VIP Pass to 10k Perika
- Fixed typos and editorial improvements
- Fixed missing Ugliness I constraint for Lunchbreak 4
- Fixed invisible choice options influence width of choice
- Fixed learning Light II reenabling learning Light I
- Fixed incorrect ENHANCED states and messages in double slime fight
- Added some missing map names
- Fixed minimum lewdness reduction not applying to second dialogue with slime summoner
- Fixed android version code not always increasing
- Fixed BGS not fading out when entering clear room
- Fixed visual glitch when starting NG+ while having party members
Changelog 0.11.1 (01.10.2021)
- Added real world events recollection room
- Obtaining version number for end of content message
- No changes
- Fixed typos and editorial improvements
- Fixed passability issues in arwin cellar dungeon
- Removed require command due to incompatbility on android builds
- Fixed missing open slot constraint for removing 3rd interest book
- Fixed auto-spell cast affecting turn reduction for states
- Fixed incorrect display name of Bandit Leader House map
- Fixed being able to attack enemies through impassable tiles
- Fixed impassable large stairs deadlock bug (0.11.1b)
- Fixed non-interactable events in Arwin’s study (0.11.1c)
v0.11.0 (24.09.2021)
- Added scene “Aura Changing Home 1”
- Added scene “Library Club 5”
- Added scene “Lunchbreak 4”
- Added scene “Going Home With Rose 3”
- Added scene “Evening Chat With Rose 3”
- Added scene “Shopping In Mall 3”
- Added scene “Shopping In Mall 4”
- Added scene “Tutoring Alicia 6”
- Added scene “Going Home With Alicia 6”
- Added scene “Cheerleader Practice 1”
- Added scene “Cheerleader Practice 2”
- Added scene “Lunchbreak 5”
- Added scene “Aura Reading 4”
- Added scene “Chapter 2 start”
- Added mental change “Removing Interest Book 3”
- Added mental change “Socializing II”
- Added mental change “Increase Going Home With Alicia Relationship”
- Added mental change “Cheerleading I Interest”
- Added mental change “Aura Preferring Cheerleader Club Over Library Club”
- Added mental change “Removing Rose Guardian”
- Integrated Northern Mines Cave maps (Thanks to Dragonbait)
- Integrated School: Gymnasium map
- Added apk android deployment into build pipeline
- Integrated Maid Job 1 CGs
- Integrated Maid Job 2 CGs
- Scripted support for real time events to take up multiple time slots
- Integrated Cheerleader pixel clothing
- Upgraded to RPGMaker MZ 1.3.3
- Increased max mental changes to 43
- No changes
- Fixed typos and editorial improvements
- Fixed missplaced event in vault
- Fixed issue when viewing Maid Job 1/2 during Festival Of Greed in recollection room
- Fixed text overflow during “Kissing John” lewd scene
Changelog 0.10.1 (03.09.2021)
Added Money Domain 3
Added Money Domain 4
Added Money Domain 5
Added Money Domain 6
Finished quest “Festival Of Greed”
Added Alicia vs Guide Aura discussion scenes
Increased max Victory Score to 33
Changed duels to give victory score
John receives Duel Experience x 1 when winning the duel in the Festival
Removed +1 Corruption from not saving slaver
Fixed typos and editorial improvments
Fixed broken trigger in food shed
Fixed mingle with guests objective missing when jointing Festival via Edwin
Fixed exchanging Gold to Perika not triggering Eyes Of Greed
Fixed Human Derby state getting modified by Black Jack state and vice verca
Fixed dead spiders in northern mines not having Through flag
Fixed Luck is Also A Skill not taking extra reading into account
Fixed incorrect max progress display in Is It Possible To Block Magic
Fixed doubled text box in Evening Chat With Alicia 4
Fixed passability issues
Fixed Living Heart enhancement text saying 15 instead of 20 HP
Fixed incorrect minimum corruption check for activating Going Home With Alicia relationship
Changelog 0.10.0 (27.08.2021)
Added scene “Going Home With Rose 5”
Added scene “Library Club 5”
Added scene “Shopping In Mall 1”
Added scene “Shopping In Mall 2”
Added scene “Evening Chat With Alicia 5”
Added scene “Evening With George 4”
Added scene “Aura Bored At Stuyding 2”
Added scene “Aura Dev 3”
Added mental change “Remove second studying book”
Added mental change “Install social media app”
Added mental change “Appearance change casual clothing”
Added mental change “Ugliness I happiness drain”
Added mental change “Implant Shopping I interest”
Added mental change “Fashion Magazine II”
Added Arwin cellar dungeon maps
Added Arwin celler encounters
Added Arwin cellar loot
Scripted Arwin cellar cut scenes
Scripted Marten join event in cellar
Finished scripting Arwin cellar quest content for Festival of Greed
Added Money Domain 1 map
Scripted Money Domain 1 NPCs
Scripted Money Domain 1 cut-scenes
Scripted Money Domain 1 encounters
Scripted rigged blackjack minigame
Scripted Perika mechanic for Money Domain
Scripted Money domain special skills for Aura/Charlotte/Paul/John
Scripted Counterattack and Protect flag to be compatible
Scripted passive “Useless Knowledge”
Integrated improved Northern Mines vault map
Integrated improved refugee camp cave maps (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Integrated improved northern forest of runes cave maps (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Integrated improved refugee camp houses (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Integrated Shopping Mall map
Increased max Victory Score to 27
Increased max Mental Changes to 37
Added Money Domain 2 map
Added quest “The Price Of Freedom”
Added item “Emerald Tea”
Created curse “Eyes Of Greed”
Integrated new Alicia expressions
Changed color of enabled but not activated happiness sources, drains and play animation on enable
Changed initial Aura bed sheet to red
Removed interim map between bandit camp and world map
Automated release deployment to mixdrop and anonfiles
Reduced required reading progress for all books by 1
Fixed typos and editorial improvments
Fixed incorrect theme when fighting Robert with party members
Fixed passability issues
Fixed inifinite money bug Edwin
Fixed being able to pay merchant in papertrail quest infinitely often
Changelog 0.9.2 (13.08.2021)
Added Rose standing images
No changes
Fixed typos and editorial improvments
Fixed some passability issues in Barracks underground dungeon
Changelog 0.9.1 (07.08.2021)
Implemented Story Mode
Implemented Hide Text plugin to hide message boxes via rightclick / or “H” button
Added send to Clear Room at current end of festival
Added meta information to self made plugins (version, license, link to gitlab)
Generalized event for lighting light sources
Improved positioning of well water bucket in Riverflow
Increased Max MP gain from Mana Capacity training at spellshop to 8
Increased Max MP gain from enhancing with Mutated Spores to 10
Increased Max HP gain from enhancing with Living Heart to 20
Increased Max HP and Corruption gain from drinking Sweet Memories Drug to 15 and 2
Improved an ambush path in Norhern Forest of Runes
Fixed typos and editorial improvments
Fixed passability issues in new maps
Fixed teleport positions when revieweing lewd scenes
Fixed being able to view “Tutoring Alicia 5” before “Going Home With Alicia 4”
Fixed soft-lock when not talking to Demon Worshipper at underground dungeon before Confrontation With Demonworshippers
Fixed double dialogue when talking to Edwin
Fixed consuming Sweet Memories Drug increasing HP when consumed by someone besides Aura
Fixed storage tunnel bandits counting towards necessary bandit kills to free refugee at bandit hideout
Fixed summoned Mature Spides never using Web skill
Fixed some missing or wrong names in text boxes of intro
Changelog 0.9.0 (31.07.2021)
Added scene “Aura Reading 3”
Added scene “Library Club 4”
Added scene “Removing Glasses 1”
Added scene “Removing Glasses 2”
Added scene “Lunchbreak 2”
Added scene “Commuting With George 3”
Added scene “Lunchbreak 3”
Added scene “Tutoring Alicia 5”
Added scene “Aura Dev 2”
Added scene “Going Home With Alicia 4”
Added mental change “Remove Indecency I Happiness Drain”
Added mental change “Celebrity I interest”
Added lewd scene “Dinner With Young Merchant 2”
Integrated illustrations for lewd scene “Ass Groping By Jailer”
Integrated illustrations for lewd scene “Kissing John”
Integrated illustration for lewd scene “Showing Panties to Alchemist”
Added Score 10 bonus CG to recollection room
Integrated new “Central Forest Of Runes” map
Integrated new “Southern Forest Of Runes” map
Integrated new maps for Jacob’s farm and surroundings (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Integrated new Riverflow map (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Integrated new Hidden Cave in Forest of Runes map (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Integrated new world event maps (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Integrated new Trademond interior maps
Integrated new Northern Forest of Runes map
Integrated new Northern Mines Area 1 map
Integrated new Refugee Camp Main Cave map
Integrated new bandit hideout in southern forest of runes maps (Thanks to Dragonbait)
Implemented dialogue for conferring with Desmond
Implemented event for investigating trademond tunnel
Added quest stub “Festival Of Greed”
Added quest “Papertrail”
Added dialogues related to Rosemond and Papertrail quest in Boar Hut
Added some NPCs/Implemented some [TO BE IMPLEMENTED] NPCs in Trademond
Added “Festival of Greed” reactions/dialogue options to some merchants
Added investment option to increase Edwin’s standing
Changed RPGM shadow to texture shadow in FSM maps to be consistently drawn ontop and stop causing passability issues
Added scene for inviting party to “Festival Of Greed” quest
Added Rosemond manion first two floors
Added NPCs/dialogues/scenes for first Festival Day map
Cursed I, II, III now each reduce minimum lewdness 1, 2, 3
Scripted getting favor from Edwin
Added dialogue option at Young Merchant/Edwin to start Festival Day
Increased max lewdness to 22 and max mental changes to 30
Upgraded to RPGMaker 1.3.2
Reduced Barry ATK by 1
Fixed typos and editorial improvments
Fixed Julian not changing directions during first dialogue
Fixed passability issues in new Southern Forest of Runes map
Fixed Vitality Potion and Sweet Memories causing willpower reduction when not used on Aura
Fixed incorrect location when starting young merchant lewd scene from recollection room
Fixed movement desynchronizations when using skip < 10X
Fixed cursed states being applied again at end of day
Fixed some typos and editorial improvements
Fixed various issues with newly integrated maps
Fixed being able to talk to old man from below cliff
Fixed bug in enemy detection plugin that made player detectable when standing at a directionally impassable tile
Fixed being able to investigate tunnel before unlocking the objective
Fixed incorrect checks for Charlotte being out of prison
Changelog 0.8.2 (09.07.2021)
Unmapped Alt button so it longer triggers skipping
Added Cursed I, Cursed II, Cursed III debuffs triggered at 60, 40, 20 willpower
Added max corruption to profile
Changed current willpower to effective willpower in profile
Added special event when having < 2 Corruption on first night
Decreased discount at alchemist to 40%
Fixed typos and editorial improvements
Fixed freeze when trying to remove books from the side
Fixed missing ENHANCED state trigger for Ogre Commander
Fixed collar being shown in portrait when it’s flagged as off
Fixed being able to change shoes before shoe interests
Fixed flavor events in Northern Mines Area 1 updating too late after defeating Spider Queen
Changelog 0.8.0 (26.06.2021)
Added mental changes for unlocking computer and uninstalling FunMaker
Added mental changes for removing braids
Added scene “Sexual Harrassment 1”
Added scene “Aura Reading 2”
Added scene “Tutoring Alicia 4”
Added scene “Aura Going Home Alone 3”
Added scene “Aura Late to School 1”
Added scene “Removing Braids 1”
Added scene “Removing Braids 2”
Added scene “Removing Braids 3”
Added scene “Removing Braids 4”
Added lewd scene “Maid Job 2”
Added event for meeting with Desmond
Added event for reporting investigation results to Desmond
Added event for meeting Julian in underground dungeon in barracks
Added quest stub “Locate the Abductees”
Added tunnel dungeon connecting bandit camp and Trademond
Scripted system for resisting status effects a limited number of times per day
Added skill “Tenacity I”
Added option to learn Tenacity I from Julian
Integrated FSM tileset
Improved mapping of Trademond
Improved mapping of Refugee Camp
Improved mapping of Riverflow
Improved mapping of Atac
Implemented non-corrupt path to gaining entry to Arwin’s study
Implemented investigating Arwin’s study
Scripted dialogue for Desmond and his thugs
Added item “Poison Coating”
Scripted unlocking Poison Coating at worshop level 5 at Alchemist
Added POISON resistance to vermin- and demon-type enemies
Increased victory score max to 24
Increased mental changes max to 28
Paper stack in Aura’s home turns into a magazine stack after “Aura Going Home Alone 3” and “Aura Late to School 1”
Integrated Aura Maid Uniform into Maid Job lewd scenes
Added corruption passive “But It’s So Cute!”
Upgraded to RPGMMZ 1.3.1
POISONED now only lasts for 3 turns
Reduced base price of Blessed Water to 100G but increased it’s price for every day by 2
Reduced POISONED damage to 10% per turn
Fixed inconvenient display location of Aura image in Alchemist lewd scene
Fixed visual glitch with hole in bandit storage tunnel
Fixed incorrect interaction with shoe shelf after mental change
Fixed typo in Alicia and Rose mental world scene
Fixed Forest of Runes being populated before map transition
Fixed EXHAUST state being incorrect added when Rampage I is used as last skill
Fixed various dialogue issues when mixing up orders between Sick Workers / Locate The Abductees / Maid Job 1-2.
Changelog 0.7.2 (11.06.2021)
Integrated new Alicia artwork
Deactivated curse traps after defeating Low-Demon
No changes
Fixed attacker debuffs not being applied when missing
Fixed Maid Job 1 not giving money
Fixed talking to demon worshipper not ticking objective
Fixed incorrect Jump choice labels
Fixed Happiness Drain 1 input 1 using incorrect variable for activation condition
Fixed passability for some food boxes in Refugee Camp Caves
Fixed deadlock caused by incorrect placement of Liliana at confrontation event when not triggering flashback
Fixed starting Feed I and then aborting causing the skill to be marked as used for the day
Fixed first harvest of large Pyromantium block in Northern Forst of Runes giving Ether instead of Pyromantium
Fixed being able to remove interests book while slot is open after removing study book
Changelog 0.7.1 (06.04.2021)
Implemented Soul-Break bad ending triggering NG+ with -75% score penalty and no clear gem or recollection room access
Added dialogue to maids in Arwin mansion
Added minor dialogue variation when doing “Sick Workers” quest after “Maid Job 1” event
Added “Extra Bombs” bonus for NG+
Included CREDITS file in deployment
Included CHANGELOG file in deployment
Replaced chest loot in worshipper hideout: “Rope x 3” -> “Sweet Memories Drug x 1”
Gave “Kissing John” event +1 Cheating
Increased “Ogre Commander” HP by 200 and DEF by 1
Increased “Demonic Knight Robert” HP by 100 and ATK by 1
Fixed various typos
Fixed “Advanced Theory on Magic” being obtainable multiple times
Fixed more passability issues in “Northern Forest of Runes”
Fixed incorrect dialogue name in “Maid Job 1”
Fixed out-of-date gold description for “Lack of Flavor” quest
Fixed door passability issue after “Ass Groping By Jailer” event
Fixed incorrect lewdness check for “Demon Worshipper Handjob” event
Fixed invisible Mutated Hydrangea corpse in Riverflow blocking cut-scene with John
Fixed missing corruption reduction when inserting Alicia into relationships
Fixed “Handing Out Compliments for Shoes” sometimes triggering before buying shoes
Fixed some dialogue inconsistencies when repeatedly talking to UFC soldier in Boar Hut
Changelog 0.7.0 (28.05.2021)
Added scene “Lunch with Librarian 1”
Added scene “Handing out compliments 1”
Added scene “Handing out compliments for no glasses”
Added scene “Handing Out Compliments For Shoes 1”
Added scene “Library Club 3”
Added lewd scene “Maid Job 1”
Added lewd scene “Kissing John”
Added lewd scene “Demon Worshiper Handjob”
Added interaction for inserting “Estrangement I” into happiness drain
Added world event “Confrontation with demon worshipers”
Added area “Forest of Runes: Northern Forest”
Added caves area to northern forest of runes
Added abandoned mine area to northern forest of runes
Added church flavor events (Thanks to Jane Doe)
Added refugee camp caves flavor events (Thanks to Jane Doe)
Added refugee camp food shed flavor events (Thanks to Jane Doe)
Added flavor events for central Forest of Runes (Thanks to Jane Doe)
Added underground dungeon map in Barracks
Added Arwin mansion
Created dialogue for rescued refugee
Integrated new special effects to better distinguish between skills
Added dialogue for Marten
Added item “Formulae Stasis Bomb”
Increased maximum score for bosses to 22
Filtering slime feed dialogue to only show feedable items
Refined Noble Quarter of Trademond
Stopped non-game relevant meta-files from being deployed
Created version number plugin
Added new facial expressions and added them into scenes
Added new (temporary) title screen image
Raised max lewdness to 18
Added NG+ option for inreasing HP/MP
Ether now gives +1 MATK and +1 Max MP
Reduced HP cost of Pierce I to 7
Increased Max MP of Mutated Hydrangeas by 50
Increased probability of Goblin Shaman casting Fire I when ENHANCED
Increased power of Slash I by 25%
Killing Young Spider Queen in vault makes all spiderlings in northern mines disappear
Raised reward for “Lack of Flavor” from 100 to 150 Gold
Raised reward for going out with young merchant from 400 to 500 Gold
Raised bail-costs for Charlotte from 200 to 400 Gold
Raised costs for learning Protect I from 200 to 300 Gold
Added dialogue variation to Ray when dueling after demon worshiper confrontation
Fixed missing event constraint between “Evening Chat with Alicia 3” and “Going Home with Alicia 3”
Fixed map changes after killing goblins forest of runes appearing too soon
Fixed passability issues on Northern Mines 3
Fixed minimum corruption check for shoes appearance mental interaction
Fixed being able to skip reading lewd book with low willpower
Fixed being able to pickup water samples multiple times for sick workers
Fixed expression error when ending first day with lewd book